Data Monitor

Last update: 14.06.2024

Most recent date of approval: 14.04.2024
All projects decided upon and approved between 1.1.1999 and the specified award letter date can be found in GEPRIS.


Entries by Type
Projects with final reports 40896
Projects 144371
Persons 94979
Institutions 44361
Entries by Research Area
Humanities and Social Sciences Colour index for Humanities and Social Sciences 26661
Life Sciences Colour index for Life Sciences 50106
Natural Sciences Colour index for Natural Sciences 38902
Engineering Sciences Colour index for Engineering Sciences 26705
current gepris version: 18.8.2
current index version: 2dcd487b-9267-4810-bf81-dcd3770b5e54 (Fri Jun 14 07:35:53 CEST 2024)

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