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Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK)
Telegrafenberg A 31
14473 Potsdam
This institution in GERiT
14473 Potsdam
Research Grants
Current projects
An ethnography of social-ecological modelling: situating materiality, difference and complexity
Niewöhner, Jörg
Dynamical networks with time delays and adaptation: theory and applications
Kurths, Jürgen
Completed projects
Asymptotisch adaptive Verfahren zur Simulation von Mehrskalenproblemen der Strömungsmechanik
Klein, Rupert
Asymptotisch adaptive Verfahren zur Simulation von Mehrskalenproblemen der Strömungsmechanik
Munz, Claus-Dieter
Die Analyse der Herz-Kreislauf-Vitalität herzoperierter Patienten zur Bestimmung individueller, operationstechnischer und krankheitsspezifischer Risiken
Bauernschmitt, Robert
Bretthauer, Georg
Kurths, Jürgen
Elastizität der Selbstregulation in einfachen Erdsystemmodellen
Franck, Siegfried
Entwicklung und Validierung einer Methodik zur Früherkennung von ventrikulären Tachyarrhythmien aus Herzfrequenzdaten implantierter Kardiodefibrillatoren
Kurths, Jürgen
Extended synchronization on complex networks and dynamic stability in future power grids
Hellmann, Frank
Extreme hydrologische Ereignisse in Mitteleuropa seit 1500 - Prozesse und Wirkungen
Werner, Peter C.
Extreme hydrologische Ereignisse in Mitteleuropa seit 1500 - Prozesse und Wirkungen
Jacobeit, Jucundus
Investigation of past and present climate dynamics and impact of climate tipping elements by means of a spatio-temporal analysis of climate data using complex networks
Kurths, Jürgen
Investigation of past and present climate dynamics and its stability by means of a spatio-temporal analysis of climate data using complex networks
Marwan, Norbert
Longterm co-evolution of bio- and geosphere
Franck, Siegfried
Modeling and analysis of earthquake swarms
Scherbaum, Frank
Modeling the Greenland ice sheet response to climate change on different timescales
Ganopolski, Andrey
Modellgestützte Erforschung der lateralen Abflüsse und ihrer Wechselbeziehungen zur Bodenfeuchteverteilung
Becker, Alfred
Nonlinear Empirical Mode Analysis of Complex Systems: Development of General Approach and Applications in Climate
Marwan, Norbert
Raumzeitliche Seismizitätsmodelle für Gebiete niedriger Erdbebenaktivität
Scherbaum, Frank
Risikostratifizierung und Heilungsprognose vom herzoperierten Patienten mittels modellgestützter nichtlinear-dynamischer und wissensbasierter Datenanalyse unter Echtzeitbedingungen
Bauernschmitt, Robert
Risikostratifizierung und Heilungsprognose von herzoperierten Patienten mittels modellgestützter nichtlinear-dynamischer und wissensbasierter Datenanalyse unter Echtzeitbedingungen
Kurths, Jürgen
Simulation and analysis of abrupt climate change during the last glacial
Mangini, Augusto
Simulation and understanding of the major transitions in Quaternary climate dynamics
Ganopolski, Andrey
Statistisch-Physikalischer Zugang zur Atmosphären-Variabilität
Schellnhuber, Hans-Joachim
Typische Ursache-Wirkungsmuster der Landnutzungsänderung und deren qualitative Modellierung in ausgewählten Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern
Schellnhuber, Hans-Joachim
Untersuchung der kardiovaskulären Regulation während des humanen Schlafes bei Apnoe und CPAP-Therapie
Bretthauer, Georg
Kurths, Jürgen
Penzel, Thomas
Viabilität nicht-linearer dynamischer Systeme unter Unsicherheit
Stock, Manfred
Research Units
Current projects
Provision of climate and bio-physical forcing data for health impact projections
Frieler, Katja
Hattermann, Fred Fokko
Completed projects
Analysis of the dynamics of palaeo and modern climate data under consideration of dating erros and with the focus on climate transitions and interrelations between teleconnections and regional climate
Kurths, Jürgen
Conflicting rules
Kurths, Jürgen
Differenzierung von Diagnoseprozessen in der Sprachverarbeitung
Kurths, Jürgen
Dynamical complex network approaches for the analysis and modeling of large scale brain activities during cognitive processes
Kurths, Jürgen
FOR 375: Mechanisms of Conflict Resolution in Cognitive Domains
Kurths, Jürgen
FOR 2936: Climate Change and Health in Sub-Saharan Africa
Danquah, Ina
Regional climate
Grossman-Clarke, Susanne
Weather and climate-related impacts on crop yields and food production on regional and national scale
Lotze-Campen, Hermann
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Decrypting tidal- and Milankovitch-driven sedimentary rhythms in nearshore strata of the Archean Moodies Group, South Africa
Gugliotta, Marcello
Heubeck, Christoph
De Vleeschouwer, Ph.D., David
Completed projects
Modeling the role of the last ice age for the present and future sea-level contribution from Antarctica
Levermann, Anders
Systematic investigation of the role of bed topography in the marine ice-sheet instability
Levermann, Anders
The influence of fracture-induced calving on Antarctica's contribution to future sea-level change
Levermann, Anders
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Consistent control design for the coordination of distributed actors in a multilayered integrated grid system
Kurths, Jürgen
Raisch, Jörg
Schiffer, Johannes
Completed projects
Investigation of paleomagnetic and paleoclimatic data of late Pleistocene with modern methods of nonlinear time series analysis and improving of some of these methods
Kurths, Jürgen
Synchronization approach to analysis of multivariate data
Kurths, Jürgen
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Nonlinear Climate Dynamics: Data Analysis and Modeling
(Project Heads
Kurths, Jürgen
Rahmstorf, Stefan
SFB 555: Complex Nonlinear Processes. Analysis - Simulation - Control - Optimization
Schimansky-Geier, Lutz
Uncertainties in Earthquake-Modeling and Probabilistic Seismic Riskanalysis
(Project Heads
Holschneider, Matthias
Kurths, Jürgen
Reich, Sebastian
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1364: Shaping the Earth's Surface in a Variable Environment: Interactions between Tectonics, Climate and Biosphere in the African-Asian Monsoonal Region
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
GRK 1539: Visibility and Visual Production: Hybrid Forms of Iconic Knowledge
Asche, Hartmut
Mersch, Dieter
GRK 2043: Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World (NatRisk-Change)
Thieken, Annegret
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1740: Dynamical Phenomena in Complex Networks: Fundamentals and Applications
Kurths, Jürgen
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4Earth - NFDI Consortium Earth System Sciences
Bernard, Lars
Forschungsbereich Erdsystemanalyse
Forschungsbereich Klimaresilienz
Forschungsbereich Komplexitätsforschung
Forschungsbereich Transformationspfade
Future Lab Sozialer Metabolismus und Klimafolgen
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