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Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
Fakultät für Maschinenwesen
Lehrstuhl und Institut für Allgemeine Mechanik
Templergraben 64
52062 Aachen
This institution in GERiT
52062 Aachen
Research Grants
Current projects
A new neural network enhanced Finite Element approach
Stoffel, Marcus
A sustainable AI framework for nonlinear regression problems in Engineering Mechanics
Stoffel, Marcus
Multi-field continuum modeling of two-fluid-filled porous media fracture augmented by microscale-based machine-learning material laws
Heider, Yousef
Markert, Bernd
SonicFibre – Experimental and numerical multiscale analysis of temporary friction reduction during textile production by means of plate vibration excitation
Corves, Burkhard
Gries, Thomas
Markert, Bernd
Completed projects
Analyse- und Strukturierungsmethoden als Basis für die Einführung von Leitsystemen in der textilen Prozeßkette
Gerig, Monika
Analysis of Dissipative Dynamical Systems by Geometrical and Variational Methods with Application to Shock-wave Loaded Viscoplastic Structures
Markert, Bernd
Calibration of a gradient-enhanced damage model for viscoplastic shell structures
Stoffel, Marcus
CISM-Kurs "Biomechanical Modelling at the Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Levels" (11.-15.09.2006 in Udine/Italien)
Albrand, Monique
CISM-Kurs "Bone Cell and Tissue Mechanics"
Markert, Bernd
Diffusions- und Strömungsprozesse in der anisotropen menschlichen Bandscheibe
Ehlers, Wolfgang
Efficient FEM techniques and fast solvers for coupled solid-fluid problems in geotechnical processes in the framework of the Theory of Porous Media (TPM)
Markert, Bernd
Turek, Stefan
Entwicklung Direkter Methoden zur Bestimmung sicherer Belastungsräume für Verbundwerkstoffe
Weichert, Dieter
Investigation and calculation of frost heave considering specific boundary conditions of ground freezing
Markert, Bernd
Ziegler, Martin
Kontinuumsmechanische Modellierung von Gelenkknorpel unter physio-dynamischer Kontaktbeanspruchung
Markert, Bernd
Nonlinear behaviour and failure analysis of fibre-reinforced composites (Nichtlineares Verhalten und Versagensanalyse von Faserverbundwerkstoffen)
Weichert, Dieter
Propagation of nonlinear elastic waves and non-local dynamic behaviour of composite materials
Weichert, Dieter
Verfahrensentwicklung und -erprobung zur Optimierung von Knorpelersatzmaterialien
Stoffel, Marcus
Zeitfestigkeit nichtrostender Stähle nach Einsatzhärten mit Stickstoff
Weichert, Dieter
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Data-driven machine learning enhanced optimisation of vehicle crashworthiness design
Stoffel, Marcus
Variational model order reduction for the prediction of plastic events in disordered materials
Bamer, Franz
Stamm, Benjamin
Research Units
Completed projects
Dynamic Loading of Partially-Saturated Soil: an investigation in the framework of numerical mechanics of strongly coupled problems
Ehlers, Wolfgang
Kontinuumsmechanik von Großhangbewegungen
Ehlers, Wolfgang
Theoretical and Numerical Investigations of Swelling Phenomena of Hydrated Porous Media
Ehlers, Wolfgang
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
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