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Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
Fakultät für Maschinenwesen
Institut für Technische Verbrennung
Templergraben 64
52062 Aachen
This institution in GERiT
52062 Aachen
Research Grants
Current projects
Combustion of ammonia under application-relevant conditions: a case study to improve thermal radiation models and reactivity prediction
Beeckmann, Joachim
DNS-driven development of predictive LES models for gas turbine emissions
Pitsch, Heinz
Numerical analysis of the thermoacoustics of hydrogen-air flames
Schröder, Wolfgang
Completed projects
Experimental and numerical investigations of the chemical kinetics of fuel mixtures in homogeneous low-temperature reactors
Kohse-Höinghaus, Katharina
Pitsch, Heinz
Experimental validation of a theory for premixed flames with small scale turbulence
Peters, Norbert
Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchung der differentiellen Diffusion in instationären Diffusionsflammen
Peters, Norbert
Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchung der Selbstzündung von gasförmigen höheren Kohlenwasserstoffen in einer Gegenstromkonfiguration
Peters, Norbert
Experimentelle Untersuchungen der Flammenfrontstruktur von Zündkernen turbulenter Vormischflammen
Peters, Norbert
Geometrische Struktur kleinskaliger Turbulenz
Peters, Norbert
H2O2-gestützte Oxidation von unverbrannten Kohlenwasserstoffen und Ruß bei der dieselmotorischen Verbrennung
Peters, Norbert
Herleitung eines Feinstrukturmodells für LES-Simulationen turbulenter Vormischflammen
Peters, Norbert
Modeling and Simulation of Pollutant Formation in Gas Turbines
Pitsch, Heinz
Modeling of ignition and soot formation in lifted Diesel sprays
Peters, Norbert
Modeling Phase Transition during Primary Breakup of Turbulent Liquid Jets and Sheets
Peters, Norbert
Numerische Simulation der Selbstzündung und Verbrennung in teilweise vorgemischten turbulenten Strömungen
Peters, Norbert
Reduktion der Rußemission von Dieselmotoren durch Isolierung der Kolbenmulde
Peters, Norbert
Regimes in turbulent non-premixed combustion
Pitsch, Heinz
Scalar mixing at the outer edge of high density turbulent jets
Pitsch, Heinz
Simulations and Modeling of Turbulent Combustion Using Fuel Mixtures with High Hydrogen Content
Pitsch, Heinz
Untersuchung anomaler Skalierungen in der Turbulenz mit Hilfe von Dissipationselementen
Peters, Norbert
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Pitsch, Heinz
Development and Application of a Simulation-Based Design Process for Fuel-Flexible Burners using Additive Manufacturing
Beeckmann, Joachim
Pitsch, Heinz
Schleifenbaum, Johannes Henrich
SLE4Flame - Spray-burner development via selective laser-induced etching for flash-boiling assisted combustion of liquid ammonia
Häfner, Constantin Leon
Kneer, Reinhold
Pitsch, Heinz
Reddemann, Manuel Armin
SPP 2419: A contribution to the realization of the energy transition: Optimization of thermochemical energy conversion processes for the flexible utilization of hydrogen-based renewable fuels using additive manufacturing
Pitsch, Heinz
Completed projects
Ein hybrides Frontverfolgungs-Verfahren für Stratocumulus-Wolken unter Berücksichtigung instationärer "Entrainment"-Prozesse
Schmidt, Heiko
Influence of atomization on particle synthesis in spray flames
Kneer, Reinhold
Pitsch, Heinz
Schmid, Hans-Joachim
Numerische Simulation von Gas-Flüssigkeitstrennflächen mit einem hybriden Capturing-Tracking-Algorithmus
Binninger, Bernd
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Direkte numerische Simulation und Modellierung der fluiddynamischen Prozesse beim Primärzerfall eines turbulenten Flüssigkeitsstrahls
Herrmann, Marcus
Research Units
Current projects
Control of quasi-homogeneous combustion in diesel engines using fully-variable injection
Beeckmann, Joachim
Pitsch, Heinz
FOR 2401: Optimization-Based Multiscale Control of Low-Temperature Combustion Engines
Andert, Jakob
FOR 2687: Cyclic variations in highly optimized hydrogen-fueled spark-ignition engines: experiment and simulation of a multi-scale causal chain
Kaiser, Sebastian
FOR 5507: ExRef: Explosion hazards of low global warming potential refrigerants
Markus, Detlev
Laminar burning velocity measurements of refrigerants under terrestrial and microgravity conditions
Beeckmann, Joachim
Numerical investigation and theoretical description of flame propagation of unsaturated hydrofluorocarbon refrigerants
Pitsch, Heinz
Completed projects
Coordination Funds
Pitsch, Heinz
Experimental Investigation of the Interface Dynamics and Phase Transition of Growing Bubbles in a Gravitational Field
Peters, Norbert
Investigation and modeling of the early flame kernel development in hydrogen spark-ignition engines
Pitsch, Heinz
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Development of chemistry models for pulsating combustion
(Project Head
Pitsch, Heinz
Experimental investigation and kinetic modelling of instabilities in homogeneous lowtemperature combustion
(Project Heads
Kohse-Höinghaus, Katharina
Peters, Norbert
Modeling of Combustion in Gasturbines for active control of turbulent flames under MILD combustion conditions
(Project Head
Pitsch, Heinz
Model reduction for low-temperature combustion using CFD simulations and multi-zone models
(Project Head
Pitsch, Heinz
Optimization of part-homogenized diesel engine combustion by variable injection strategies
(Project Head
Pitsch, Heinz
Current projects
Direct Numerical Simulation and Modeling of Oxy-Fuel Combustion Processes
(Project Head
Pitsch, Heinz
Sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification of pulverized solid fuel combustion
(Project Head
Sayadi, Taraneh
Theoretical and experimental investigation on the devolatilisation and oxidation of solid-fuel particles in a counterflow burner under oxy-fuel conditions
(Project Head
Pitsch, Heinz
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Flexible Multifunktionsbrennkammer
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1856: Integrated Energy Supply Modules for On-Road Electromobility
Pischinger, Stefan
International Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2983: Hy-Potential: Hydrogen - Fundamentals of Production, Storage & Transport, Applications, and Economy
Pitsch, Heinz
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 111: Aachen Institute for Advanced Study in Computational Engineering Science (AICES)
Behr, Ph.D., Marek
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 236: Tailor-Made Fuels from Biomass
Pischinger, Stefan
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2186: The Fuel Science Center – Adaptive Conversion Systems for Renewable Energy and Carbon Sources
Leitner, Walter
Pischinger, Stefan
Additional Information
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