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Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
Institut für Psychologie
Lehrstuhl Kognitions- und Experimentalpsychologie
Jägerstraße 17-19
52066 Aachen
This institution in GERiT
52066 Aachen
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Coordination Funds
Koch, Iring
Development of a task-integration model in task switching
Koch, Iring
Modality-specific crosstalk in multitasking: Evidence from modality compatibility in task switching
Koch, Iring
SPP 1772: Human performance under multiple cognitive task requirements: From basic mechanisms to optimized task scheduling
Koch, Iring
The role of inhibition in human multitasking performance
Schuch, Stefanie
Research Grants
Current projects
Age-dependent changes in mechanisms of auditory attentional shifts in selective hearing: Correlational approach to differences in auditory thresholds and experimental manipulation by hearing loss simulation
Fels, Janina
Koch, Iring
Crossmodal selection in attention and action: Age-related changes in cognitive preparation of crossmodal processing and their neural underpinnings
Stephan, Denise N.
Examining the cognitive processes underyling the control of dual-task representations
Hirsch, Patricia
Process-based interference between cognitive control and continuous sensorimotor tasks: an event-related approach in the body balance domain (INCOSEER)
Johannsen, Leif
Kiesel, Andrea
Müller, Hermann
Statistical word learning in bilinguals: Examining changes in learning behaviour due to differences in language environment
Roembke, Ph.D., Tanja Charlotte
Completed projects
Cognitive control of auditory attention: Examining flexible preparatory “tuning” to a speaker in a multitalker set-up
Koch, Iring
Crossmodal selective attention and inhibition in task switching: Studies on modality-specific processes in cognitive control
Koch, Iring
Exploring modality-specificity and conceptual generalization of response-effect anticipation
Koch, Iring
Intentional switching of auditory selective attention: Studies on dynamic binaural hearing in complex acoustic environments
Fels, Janina
Koch, Iring
Kognitive Aufgabenrepräsentation: Input-Output (I-O) Modalitätskompatibilität als Determinante von Aufgaben-Interferenz
Koch, Iring
Prioritization in the coordination of multiple action modalities
Huestegge, Lynn
Task-set decay, response set, and action monitoring
Koch, Iring
The influence of input modality and output modality on multitasking in language-related tasks
Philipp, Andrea M.
Verbal and Non-Verbal Control Settings in Action Control Configuring the Cognitive System for Present and Future Task Performance
Gade, Miriam
Research Units
Current projects
A binding perspective on task and language switching: Exploring the influence of a task-irrelevant context on episodic retrieval
Philipp, Andrea M.
Event Organization Within and Beyond Event Files
Mayr, Susanne
FOR 2790: Binding and Retrieval in Action Control
Frings, Christian
Additional Information
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