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Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Veterinärmedizin
Institut für Veterinär-Physiologie (WE02)
Oertzenweg 19b
14163 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
14163 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Cannabinoid and inflammatory effects in porcine intestinal models
Amasheh, Salah
Phenotypic and functional analysis of immune cells during severe COVID-19
Hauser, Anja Erika
Niesner, Raluca Aura
Radbruch, Helena
Completed projects
Epithelium as first line of defense in the porcine gastrointestinal tract: interaction with dendritic cells and with pathogenic/nonpathogenic bacteria involving the inflammasome
Lodemann, Ulrike
Functional and molecular analysis of the epithelial barrier of porcine Peyer's patches follicle-associated epithelium
Amasheh, Salah
Functional characterization of CD97 in intestinal epithelial cells
Amasheh, Salah
Aust, Gabriela
JIMI - a network for intravital mikroscopy: dedicated project supervision from cell imaging to cell tracking in living organisms
Niesner, Raluca Aura
Lokalisation der Expression von Transportproteinen im ovinen Pansenepithel
Etschmann, Benjamin
Molecular and physiological characteristics of Na+/Mg2+ exchanger SLC41A1 in HEK293 cells and in primary-derived and KL-1 cardiomyocytes
Kolisek, Martin
Regulation and functional properties of tight junction- and channel-proteins of colon epitelia.
Fromm, Michael
Secretion and Catabolism of histamine in the intestinal epithelium of pigs as protective mechanisms against histamine intoxication.
Aschenbach, Jörg R.
Zeitaufgelöstes Fluoreszenzimaging zum selektiven Nachweis von NAD(P)H- bzw. FAD-abhängigen Enzymen am Beispiel zellvermittelter Pathogenzerstörung
Niesner, Raluca Aura
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5560: Crosstalk between B cell metabolism and signaling
Jellusova, Julia
Spatiotemporal dynamics of calcium signaling and metabolism in germinal center B cells
Hauser, Anja Erika
Niesner, Raluca Aura
Completed projects
Analysis of osteo-immune crosstalk during bone healing by longitudinal intravital imaging
Hauser, Anja Erika
Niesner, Raluca Aura
Charakterisierung von Tight Junction-Proteinen als Barriere- oder Kanalbildner
Fromm, Michael
FOR 2165: Regeneration in Aged Individuals: Using Bone Healing as a Model System to Characterise Regeneration under Compromised Conditions
Duda, Georg
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Locomotion of parasitic nematodes in the gut: movement in viscoelastic mucus intertwined with the metabolic activity of the nematodes
Hartmann, Susanne
Niesner, Raluca Aura
Completed projects
Analysing B lymphocytes in their environment by complementing longitudinal and functional intravital microscopy with multiplexed immunofluorescence histology
(Project Heads
Hauser, Anja Erika
Niesner, Raluca Aura
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Defining microenvironmental cues governing myeloid functions during bone regeneration in situ and in vivo.
(Project Heads
Hauser, Anja Erika
Niesner, Raluca Aura
Additional Information
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