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Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Institut für Geowissenschaften
Abteilung Paläontologie
Nußallee 8
53115 Bonn
This institution in GERiT
53115 Bonn
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Analysis of the evidence for insect herbivory as key to terrestrial ecosystem evolution during the Cenozoic
Wappler, Torsten
Martin, Thomas
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Guimarota - a Jurassic ecosystem
Martin, Thomas
The Microstructure of Reptilian Tooth Enamel: Terminology, Function and Rhylogeny
Sander, Martin
Research Grants
Current projects
Dental function and dietary adaptations of hyracoid mammals
Martin, Thomas
Discriminating terrestrial, semiaquatic and fully aquatic life styles: The unresolved question of Triassic marine archosauromorphs.
Klein, Nicole
Nose dive upside down: A new look at the ichthyosaur taphonomy and implications for paleobiology
Wings, Oliver
Palaeobiogeography and evolution of mammals and other terrestrial vertebrates from the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Central Europe
Martin, Thomas
Palaeobiology, Palaeoecology and Systematics of the Crinoids in the Lower Devonian Hunsrück Slate, Germany
Rust, Jes
The enigmatic Omphalosaurus: the key to the early evolution of ichthyosaurs in the Triassic?
Fröbisch, Nadia Belinda
Completed projects
A hidden treasure: Ecological implications from benthic foraminiferal propagule banks in coastal environments of Corfu (Ionian Sea)
Weinmann, Ph.D., Anna
Anatomy and relationships of the basal sauropodomorph dinosaur Plateosaurus from the Norian of Frick, Jura Mountains, Switzerland
Sander, Martin
A View from the Other Side of the World: Middle Triassic Ichthyosaurs of Nevada and Their Implications for the Initial Phase of the Mesozoic Marine Revolution in the Eastern Pacific Realm
Sander, Martin
Biological, preservational and evolutionary aspects of macro- and meiofaunal biota of the Yangtze Platform at the Precambrian-Cambrian transition
Waloßek, Dieter
Chewing function and feeding adaptations in early Palaeogene mammals with quadritubercular molars
Martin, Thomas
Chewing function and feeding adaptations in triconodont mammals
Martin, Thomas
Chewing function and jaw articulation in fossil and extant shrews
Martin, Thomas
Comparative anatomical and phylogenetic analysis of postcranial tetrapod remains from the lake Jurassic Guimarota locality (Portugal)
Martin, Thomas
Comparative bone histology of the turtle shell (carapace and plastron): Implications for turtle systematics, functional morphology, and turtle origins
Sander, Martin
Cortical bone remodeling and Haversian bone in amniotes: a deep-time and comparative perspective
Sander, Martin
Die Insekten aus dem Mitteleozän der Grube Messel als Indikatoren für klimatisch und ökologisch gesteuerte Veränderungen der Artenvielfalt im Tertiär
Rust, Jes
Die postglaziale Wiederbesiedlung Mitteleuropas: Ökologische und stratigraphische Differenzierung der Säugetierfauna
von Koenigswald, Wighart
Diversität, Paläoökologie und Biogeographie von Wasserinsekten (Chironomiden und Trichopteren) des Dominikanischen Bernsteins
Rust, Jes
Ecomorphology of the postcranial skeleton of the rhinocerotids from the Miocene Fossillagerstätte Sandelzhausen
Schellhorn, Rico
Evolution and dispersal of Mammutidae (Proboscidea, Mammalia)
von Koenigswald, Wighart
Experimental silicification of wood
Ballhaus, Christian Gerhard
Exploration von Bernstein aus dem Eozän von Indien
Rust, Jes
Exploratory field work in the Lower and Middle Triassic of Svalbard — Diversity and Stratigraphy of Lower and Middle Triassic Ichthyosauria of Svalbard
Klein, Nicole
FP 04: Dynamic European Climate-Vegetation Impact and Interactions (DECVEG)
Litt, Thomas
Inferring the Swimming Mode of Jurassic Plesiosaurs Using Muscle Reconstructions, Bone Histology, and Advanced Finite Element Methods
Sander, Martin
Witzel, Ulrich
Integrating fossil data, vegetation modelling and genetic analyses of modern tree populations to reconstruct the history of Larix in Europe
Liepelt, Sascha
Litt, Thomas
Komplexität, Struktur und Wandel terrestrischer Ökosysteme zur Zeit des eozänen Klimaoptimums am Beispiel von Pflanzen-Insekten Assoziationen aus Messel und Eckfeld
Rust, Jes
Landnutzung und holozäner Landschaftswandel in der westlichen Hocheifel
Dambeck, Rainer
Kühl, Norbert
Long bone histology of Lower Permian pelycosaurs, implications for the evolution of endothermy at the beginning of the mammal lineage
Sander, Martin
Marine reptiles from Nevada: Recovery of a Middle Triassic pregnant ichthyosaur and the first unequivocally Lower Triassic ichthyosaurs from North America
Sander, Martin
Mikro-CT Untersuchung von Weichkörpererhaltung und 3-D Rekonstruktionen von Fossilien aus paläozoischen Konservatlagerstätten
Rust, Jes
Modeling species richness and biogeographic patterns of Atlantic larger benthic foraminifera and a global perspective in terms of climate change
Förderer, Meena
Ontogenetic variation of the Middle Triassic pseudosuchian Batrachotomus kupferzellensis: Implications for the palaeobiology of early archosaurs
Foth, Christian
Origin and early diversification of Plesiosauria and the influence of the end-Triassic extinction event: insights from the first unequivocal Triassic plesiosaurs
Sander, Martin
Palaeobiology, palaeoecology and taphonomy of a fauna in the periphery of a Konservat-lagerstätte (Lower Devonian Hunsrück Slate, Germany)
Rust, Jes
Palynologische Untersuchungen an quartären Sedimenten des Oberrheingrabens: Stratigraphie, Paläoökologie und Palöoklimatologie
Litt, Thomas
Phylogenetische Rekonstruktion fossiler und rezenter Cerviden mit Hilfe morphologischer Skelettmerkmale im Vergleich zu molekulargenetischen Analysen
von Koenigswald, Wighart
Phylogenie und Paläobiogeographie von Säugetieren aus dem Mittleren Jura der Toutunhe Formation des Junggarbeckens (NW China)
Martin, Thomas
Phylogeny and Palaeobiogeography of mammals and other vertebrates from the Middle Jurassic of the Nazarovo Basin in Siberia
Martin, Thomas
Phylogeny and paleobiography of terrestrial vertebrates from the Lower and Middle Jurassic of Kirghizia (Central Asia)
Martin, Thomas
Phylogeny, palaeobiology, diversity, and evolutionary significance of Euarthropoda (excluding Trilobita) from the Lower Devonian Hunsrück Slate (Germany)
Rust, Jes
Polar vertebrates from the Early Cretaceous of Yakutia (Russia)
Martin, Thomas
Pollenanalytische Untersuchungen an mittelpleistozänen, interglazialen Sedimenten aus Bilshausen, Niedersachsen, und ihre klimatische Auswertung
Kühl, Norbert
Pollen- und makrorestanalytische Untersuchungen an holozänen Sedimenten des Dürren Maares, Eifel, und ihre klimatische Auswertung
Kühl, Norbert
Reconstructing fossil-rich East Asian amber forests using inclusions of seed plants
Sadowski, Eva-Maria
Revision of the basal sphenacodonts (Haptodontinae): systematic and evolutionary implications
Sander, Martin
Schneider, Jörg W.
Säugetiere und andere Wirbeltiere aus der oberkretazischen Mata Amarilla Formation von Patagonien (Argentinien)
Martin, Thomas
Schädeldifferenzierung bei Apatemyiden (Mammalia)
von Koenigswald, Wighart
Skelettdifferenzierung bei eozänen Pantolestiden
von Koenigswald, Wighart
Spatial reconstruction of the near-surface climate during the last underglacial (Eemian, 125-115 ka)
Hense, Andreas N.
Systematic, Palaeoecology, and Palaeobiogeography of Nematocera from the Early Eocene Indian amber
Rust, Jes
Systematics, phylogeny, taphonomy, and paleoecology of insects from the Middle Eocene Eckfeld Maar, Vulkaneifel
Lutz, Herbert
Taxonomy, phylogeny, palaeobiology, and taphonomy of the Pachypleurosauria (Reptilia: Sauropterygia) from the Lower Muschelkalk of Winterswijk, NL
Klein, Nicole
The marsupials from Messel: ecology and diversity as a clue to the palaeogeographic origin of European marsupials
von Koenigswald, Wighart
The ontogeny of the dwarf sauropod Europasaurus holgeri and the phylogeny of basal Macronaria (Saurischia, Sauropoda)
Sander, Martin
The Paoliidae (Insecta, Neoptera; Carboniferous) and their significance for the basal phylogeny of the Pterygota (Insecta) and the problem of the relationships between ''Palaeoptera'' and Neoptera. - Insecta: Neoptera: Paoliidae, Carboniferous, phylogeny
Brauckmann, Carsten
Research Units
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Gee, Carole T.
Destruction, decay, and preservation: Early fossilization of leaf compressions
Bierbaum, Gabriele
Gee, Carole T.
FOR 2685: The Limits of the Fossil Record: Analytical and Experimental Approaches to Fossilization
Gee, Carole T.
FOR 5438: Urban impacts on the Mongolian Plateau – Entanglements of Economy, City, and Environment
Bemmann, Jan
FOR 5581: The evolution of life histories in early tetrapods
Schoch, Rainer
Ontogeny, skeletochronology and life history traits in temnospondyls
Klein, Nicole
Palaeoecology and Palaeoclimatology of the Mongolian Plateau and their impact on urbanism
Litt, Thomas
Searching for biological pigments and structural color in fossil plants
Gee, Carole T.
Müller, Christa E.
The role of microbes and biofilms in leaf fossilization
Bierbaum, Gabriele
Gee, Carole T.
Completed projects
Biology of the Sauropod Dinosaurs: The Evolution of Gigantism
Sander, Martin
Biology of the Sauropod Dinosaurs: The Evolution of Gigantism
Sander, Martin
Die Funktionsweise der Gebisse ursprünglicher Tribosphenida
Martin, Thomas
Evolutive Veränderung im Kauzyklus bei Artiodactyla und Perissodactyla
von Koenigswald, Wighart
Feeding strategies in sauropodomorphs: The evolution of extreme neck length and very large body size
Christian, Andreas
Fibrolamellar bone in basal Archosauromorpha: Tracing the evolution of high growth rates.
Sander, Martin
FOR 533: Biology of the Sauropod Dinosaurs: The Evolution of Gigantism
Sander, Martin
FOR 771: Function and Performance Enhancement in the Mammalian Dentition - Phylogenetic and Ontogenetic Impact on the Masticatory Apparatus
Martin, Thomas
From cell to cell, tissue to tissue: Pathways in low-temperature wood silicification
Gee, Carole T.
Funktionelle Analoga zu tribosphenischen Bezahnungen
Martin, Thomas
Funktion und Leistungssteigerung in den Bezahnungen der Säugetiere - phylogenetische und ontogenetische Einflüsse auf den Kauapparat
Martin, Thomas
Histology and morphology of sauropod cervical ribs: Implications for neck posture
Sander, Martin
Kaubewegungen, Paläodiät und Lebensweise pflanzenfressender säugetierähnlicher Reptilien der gondwanischen Trias
Martin, Thomas
Kaufunktion bei Mammaliamorpha mit nagerähnlichen Bezahnungen
Martin, Thomas
Konstruktionsmorphologie und Kauflächen hypsodonter Zähne bei Herbivoren
Kaiser, Thomas M.
Ruf, Irina
Life history and growth of sauropods
Sander, Martin
Modelling growth, vital statistics and energy budget of sauropods: key features contributing to gigantism.
Griebeler, Eva Maria
Sander, Martin
Ontogenetische Veränderungen im Kauvorgang
von Koenigswald, Wighart
Südekum, Karl-Heinz
Organic phase (extracellular matrix, osteocyte, blood vessel) preservation in dinosaur bone: Chemical composition and hypotheses of preservation
Müller, Christa E.
Tütken, Thomas
Physico-chemical and microbial processes governing the decay of organic substance in sediment under anoxic conditions
Ballhaus, Christian Gerhard
Soft tissue preservation in amber II – a multi-methodical approach towards the understanding of amber taphonomy
Rust, Jes
The detection of antiherbivore secondary compounds in the fossil record and their potential role in defense against insects
Rust, Jes
The hierarchical structure of sauropodomorph bones as a key to exceptional body size: Insights from materials science
Kaysser-Pyzalla, Anke Rita
The impact of bacterial activity on decay and fossilization of arthropods: An experimental approach
Bierbaum, Gabriele
Rust, Jes
The organic phase in dinosaur eggshell: analysis, models of preservation, and implications for the evolution of bird reproduction
Engeser, Marianne
Sander, Martin
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Environmental response to climatic and volcanic events in NE Anatolia during the last 20,000 years based on annually laminated sediments from Lake Van
Litt, Thomas
Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich
Flow cytometry method for purification of fossil pollen from Lake Van varved sediments for AMS radiocarbon dating – a new approach
Pickarski, Nadine
Forschungsbohrungen im nördlichen Oberrheingraben zur Untersuchung der stratigraphischen, paläoklimatischen und neotektonischen Entwicklung des mitteleuropäischen Plio-Pleistozäns
Litt, Thomas
Lake Van Drilling Project "PALEOVAN", a long continental record in eastern Turkey: Geochronology, palynostratigraphy and environmental response on volcanic events
Litt, Thomas
Oberhänsli, Roland
Lake Van Drilling Project 'PALEOVAN', a long continental record in eastern Turkey: Paleoecological investigations on new cores obtained during the ICDP deep drilling operation in 2010
Litt, Thomas
Lake van, Turkey - a potential new ICDP site: Paleoecological investigations based on lacustrine sediments (short cores from coring campaign 2004)
Litt, Thomas
Lake Van, Turkey - Pre-Site Survey for a potential new ICDP site
Litt, Thomas
Paleoclimate and paleoecology of the continental Eastern Mediterranean region - High-resolution pollen analysis from Lake Van during the Middle Pleistocene (MIS 8 to 10)
Litt, Thomas
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Improving and evaluating quantitative palaeoclimatic reconstructions for the Late Glacial and Holocene
Kühl, Norbert
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Bestimmung der botanisch-klimatologischen Transferfunktionen und die Rekonstruktion des bodennahen Klimazustands im europäischen Jungquartär
(Project Heads
Hense, Andreas N.
Litt, Thomas
Biostratigraphie und Paläoökologie neogener und pleistozäner Säugetierfaunen aus der Niederrheinsichen Bucht sowie angrenzender Gebiete
(Project Heads
von Koenigswald, Wighart
Mörs, Thomas
Climatic Evolution of the Marmara Region during the past 50,000 years
(Project Heads
Litt, Thomas
Melles, Martin
Entwicklung des Sedimentationsraumes Niederrheinische Bucht im Tertiär und Altquartär - Stratigraphie, Sedimentologie, Paläoökologie
(Project Heads
Litt, Thomas
Schäfer, Andreas
Environmental Response to Climate Events in the Levant, Near East and SE Europe during the last 200 ka based on Long Continental Records
(Project Heads
Hense, Andreas N.
Litt, Thomas
Staubwasser, Michael
Faunal assemblages and biomes at the anthropological frontier around 50-40 ka BP
(Project Heads
Litt, Thomas
Richter, Jürgen
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 503: Evolutionary Transformations and Mass Extinctions
Zeller, Ulrich
GRK 721: Evolution and Biodiversity in Space and Time
Sauer, Klaus-Peter
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