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Universität zu Köln
Institut für Medizinsoziologie, Versorgungsforschung
und Rehabilitationswissenschaft (IMVR)
Eupener Straße 129
50933 Köln
This institution in GERiT
50933 Köln
Research Grants
Current projects
Eastern European live-in carers in domestic care triads for people with dementia: Informal care concepts, communicative power and care responsibilities (acronym TriaDe)
von Kutzleben, Ph.D., Milena
Reichertz, Jo
Schweda, Mark
How multidisciplinary are case discussions of breast and gynecologic cancer patients in tumor conferences? A mixed-methods study of healthcare realities and associated factors (INCASE)
Heuser, Christian
Socioeconomic inequalities in health during the COVID-19 pandemic (INHECOV): empirical analyses and implications for pandemic preparedness
Hoebel, Jens
Pförtner, Timo-Kolja
Wahrendorf, Morten
Completed projects
Advanced Trauma Psychosocial Support
Neugebauer, Edmund A. M.
Pfaff, Holger
Arbeitsbedingungen in der Onkologie: Auswirkungen auf Arzt-Patient-Kommunikation und Patient
Pfaff, Holger
Wirtz, Markus Antonius
Development and evaluation of a Four habits-based communication training for German general practitioners (CoTrain)
Neugebauer, Edmund A. M.
Pfaff, Holger
Vitinius, Frank
Wilm, Stefan
Effekte psychosozialer Versorgungsqualität, sozialer Schicht und versorgungsbezogener Patienteneinstellungen auf die Lebensqualität schwerverletzter Patienten
Pfaff, Holger
Validierung eines deutschsprachigen Instruments zur Messung eines gesteigerten Todeswunsches
Voltz, Raymond
Research Units
Completed projects
Dynamics of resilience in a life crisis: interdisciplinary conceptualization and operationalization
Geiser, Franziska
Workshops for Early Career Investigators
Current projects
5th Workshop for Early Career Investigators in the Field of Health Services Research
Hoffmann, Kurt Falk
Completed projects
3rd Workshop for Early Career Investigators
Pfaff, Holger
4th Workshop for Early Career Investigators in the Field of Health Services Research
Icks, Andrea
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
Organizational Behaviour in health care institutions in Germany - theoretical approaches, methods and empirical results
Körner, Mirjam
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4Health – National Research Data Infrastructure for Personal Health Data
Fluck, Juliane
Additional Information
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