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Institut für Anwendungstechnik Pulvermetallurgie und Keramik
an der RWTH Aachen
Augustinerbach 4
52062 Aachen
This institution in GERiT
52062 Aachen
Research Grants
Current projects
Carbide Additivation to Hot Working Tool Steel by an Optimized Satelliting Process with Pectin Binder
Broeckmann, Christoph
Pich, Andrij
Compact nanocrystalline soft magnets using Field-Assisted Sintering
Broeckmann, Christoph
Co-sintering of metal-ceramic composites with three-dimensional complex structures
Broeckmann, Christoph
Herrmann, Mathias
Development of Binder Jetting for highly stressed drive components by sintering according to requirements
Bergs, Thomas
Broeckmann, Christoph
Experimental and model-based analysis of machining-induced residual stresses and part distortion when turning Inconel 718
Bergs, Thomas
Broeckmann, Christoph
Experiment-based modeling of the correlation between metallurgical processing, 3D microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of pearlitic nodular cast iron
Broeckmann, Christoph
Bührig-Polaczek, Andreas
Eiken, Janin
Failure mechanisms in solid solution strengthened ductile cast iron
Broeckmann, Christoph
Bührig-Polaczek, Andreas
Influence of Integrated HIP Heat Treatments on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a PM Tool Steel: Experiment and Simulation
Broeckmann, Christoph
Weber, Sebastian
Mold materials with adjustable coefficient of thermal expansion for precision glass molding
Bergs, Thomas
Broeckmann, Christoph
Quantitative description of the material condition during profile grinding of transformable steels
Bergs, Thomas
Broeckmann, Christoph
Completed projects
Development of a methodology for the quantitative prediction of the damage in to the diffusion layers of reactive air brazed BSCF-Steel-Joints
Apel, Markus
Broeckmann, Christoph
Failure criteria for the prediction of compound journal bearing fatigue - Extension of the methodology considering microstructural effects, Project stage II
Broeckmann, Christoph
Jacobs, Georg
Influence of powder size distribution and powder density distribution on the final shape of PM HIP-ed components
Broeckmann, Christoph
Influence of pressure on the phase transformation and the precipitation kinetics of high-alloyed steel - experiment and simulation
Broeckmann, Christoph
Theisen, Werner
Mechanism-based modelling of tempering phenomena in steels
Broeckmann, Christoph
Hunkel, Martin
Schulze, Volker
Micro residual stresses in hard metals
Broeckmann, Christoph
Microstructure and mechanical properties
Beck, Tilmann
Broeckmann, Christoph
Quantitative Description of Resiudal Stress Pattern during Deep and Pendulum Grinding of 100Cr6
Broeckmann, Christoph
Klocke, Fritz
White Etching Areas in Bearing Steel 100Cr6
Broeckmann, Christoph
Mayer, Joachim
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5701: Identification of the formation mechanisms of white etching cracks and fine granular dark areas during fatigue loading – parallels and differences (White and Dark)
Kerscher, Eberhard
Parallelisms between WEA/WEC and FGA under rolling fatigue conditions with variation of pressure, slip and hydrogen loading
Broeckmann, Christoph
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Abschreck- und Umformdilatometer
Dual Beam Anlage mit EBSD
SPS-Anlage mit FAST-Sint-Zelle
thermomechanical material testing machine
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Greybox models for in-situ quantification of probabilistic tool life of CVD coated cemented carbide gear hobs
Bergs, Thomas
Broeckmann, Christoph
Influence of Si3N4 powder additivation on PBF-LB processability of stainless steels and microstructural evolution during PBF-LB and a subsequent HIP-URQ densification process
Broeckmann, Christoph
Weber, Sebastian
Completed projects
Development of a method for carbide additivation on tool steel powders via a functional polymer binder to enhance the processability, microstructural isotropy, and strength of hard ferrous alloys
Broeckmann, Christoph
Pich, Andrij
From FAST to FLASH: Field assisted sintering of oxide ceramics with controlled electric field and current density
Bram, Martin
Broeckmann, Christoph
High-strength gears produced by powder metallurgical processes
Broeckmann, Christoph
Klocke, Fritz
SPP 1551: Resource Efficient Constructional Elements
Höhn, Bernd-Robert
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
High-throughput Alloy Development for Additive Manufacturing via 3D-Extreme High-speed Laser Material Deposition (3D-EHLA)
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2023: Internet of Production (IoP)
Brecher, Christian
Additional Information
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