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Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
Fachgruppe für Metallurgie und Werkstofftechnik
Lehrstuhl für Werkstoffchemie
Kopernikusstraße 10
52074 Aachen
This institution in GERiT
52074 Aachen
Research Grants
Current projects
Harnessing nanolaminate coatings for high temperature applications
Laska, Nadine
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Making catalytically Active Nanoporous Thin fIlmS (MANTIS)
Gault, Ph.D., Baptiste Jean Germain
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Modeling the metastable phase formation of compositionally complex face-centered cubic Ti-V-Nb-Ta-Al-N thin films
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Oxidation behavior of Hf1-xAlxB2 and (Hf0.2Zr0.2Ta0.2Nb0.2Ti0.2)1-yAlyB2 coatings synthesized by high power pulsed magnetron sputtering (HPPMS) using massive subplantation of Al
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Synthesis, thermal stability, and oxidation behavior of MoAlB coatings
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Thermal stability and oxidation behavior of (V,Al)(O,N) and (Cr,Al)(O,N) thin films
Hans, Marcus
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Completed projects
Al concentration dependent oxidation behavior of Ti1-yAlyB2 and Ti1-xAlxN coatings
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Can high strength and moderate ductility be combined in wear resistant coatings? A fundamental plasticity study of X2BC nanolaminates (X=Hf, Mo)
Dehm, Gerhard
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Electronic structure based design of thermal shock resistant nanolaminates
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Hard and lubricating compounds in the B-C-N system
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Magnetic properis of Cr2AlC(Mn) thin films
Leyens, Christoph
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Mechanical properties of MAX phase thin films: The effect of band filling on the elastic properties of M2AlC thin Films (M=Ti, V, Cr)
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Mechanical properties of YM3B phases: The effect of 4d shell population on the elastic properties of YM3B thin films ( M = Zr, Mo, Rh, and Ag)
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Mechano-magnetic properties of bulk and thin-film MxFe4-xN (M = Pd, Ga) nitrides
Dronskowski, Richard
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Modeling of metastable phase formation diagrams for sputtered thin films
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Nanokristalline y-Al2O3 Schichten, - Grundlegende Untersuchungen zu Synthese, Struktur und Zerspanungseigenschaften
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Perkolationsphänomene in chalkogeniden Phasenwechsel-Dünnschichten; Untersuchung des Einflusses der Dotierung mit Sn, N und O auf Struktur und Phasenbildung
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Prozessintegrierte Beschichtung von offenporigen Metallschäumen
Bleck, Wolfgang
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Quantum-mechanic design and evaluation of precious metal coatings for the reduction of glass adhesions during an isothermal molding process
Klocke, Fritz
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Thermochemical modelling of the phase stability of coatings deposited from the gas phase
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Thermodynamic Modelling of Phase Diagrams and Interface Reactions of MAX-Phases
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Towards efficient RuO2 thermoelectric thin films through utilizing a quantum design approach
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Combinatorial synthesis of Ni-Nb-Cu-Al-Au model layer systems
(Project Head
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Formation of defect phases via hydrogen exposure in nickel alloys
(Project Heads
Hans, Marcus
Raabe, Dierk
Local chemical composition of defects
(Project Head
Hans, Marcus
Completed projects
(Project Head
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Entwicklung und Verhalten von CVD-Schichtverbunden
(Project Head
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Faserbeschichtung für faserverstärkte, transpirationsgekühlte Gasturbinenschaufeln, Charakterisierung der Schichten im Bauteil und thermochemische Bestimmung der Phasenkonstitution
(Project Head
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Local Mechanical Properties of the Fe-Mn-C System
(Project Heads
Music, Ph.D., Denis
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Thermochemische Simulation von Werkstoffparametern
(Project Heads
Friedrich, Bernd
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
(Project Heads
Hallstedt, Bengt
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Design of an all solid state thin film lithium ion batteryand their electrochemical-thermodynamic modeling and evaluation
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Seifert, Hans Jürgen
Knowledge based design of crack and erosion damage healing nanolaminates
Leyens, Christoph
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Sloof, Wim G.
Lubricant-free tribology concepts for cold extrusion by interaction-reduced coatings and structures
Hirt, Gerhard
Häfner, Constantin Leon
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Quantum mechanically guided design of ultra strong and damage tolerant glasses
Dehm, Gerhard
Raabe, Dierk
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
SPP 1676: Dry Metal Forming - Sustainable Production through Dry Processing in Metal Forming
Vollertsen, Frank
Synthese und Charakterisierung von adaptiven, schadenstoleranten Keramikoberflächen auf der Basis von MAX-Phasen-Nanolaminaten
Leyens, Christoph
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Tailored precipitation (B2, L21) strengthened, compositionally complex FeAlCr (Mn, Co, Ni, Ti) alloys for high temperature applications
Liebscher, Christian
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
3D-Atomsonde mit funktionsintegriertem Focused-Ion-Beam-Gerät
Kombinatorische Dünnschichtanalytikplattform
Upgrade of atom probe tomography instrument
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Completed projects
Effect of target power density on the chemical composition of thin films synthesized from composite/compound targets
(Project Head
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Quantum-mechanically guided design of wear-resistant coatings for polymer moulding
(Project Heads
Music, Ph.D., Denis
Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M.
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
High-throughput Alloy Development for Additive Manufacturing via 3D-Extreme High-speed Laser Material Deposition (3D-EHLA)
Additional Information
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