Project Details
Technische Universität München
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
Chair for Bioinformatics
- Major Research Instrumentation
- CRC/Transregios
- Research Grants
Current projects
Completed projects
Identification and characterization of Long COVID-19 patients by whole blood transcriptomics(Applicants Aschenbrenner, Anna ; Bals, Robert ; Bonifacio, Ph.D., Ezio ; Gagneur, Julien ; Janssen, Stefan ; Keitel-Anselmino, Verena ; Keller, Andreas ; Kurth, Ingo ; Kurth, Florian ; Kühnert, Denise ; Nürnberg, Peter ; Ossowski, Ph.D., Stephan ; Poetsch, Anna ; Riess, Olaf ; Rosenstiel, Ph.D., Philip Caspar ; Sander, Leif Erik ; Schultze, Joachim L. ; Stegle, Ph.D., Oliver ; Ulas, Thomas )
Current projects
- NFDI technical and methodological consortia