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Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Biologie
Arbeitsgruppe Ökologie der Pflanzen
Altensteinstraße 6
14195 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
14195 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Detection of microplastics in soil by non-invasive imaging - Analyzing microplastic effects on soil properties and root-soil interaction
Oswald, Sascha E.
Rillig, Ph.D., Matthias C.
Tötzke, Christian
Disentangling microplastic degradation effects on soil functionality and plant performance. Consequences for vegetation dynamics in grasslands ecosystems
Lozano Bernal, Ph.D., Yudi Mirley
Completed projects
Agro-ecosystem diversification: digging deeper
Rillig, Ph.D., Matthias C.
A trait-based approach to unlock the secrets of fungal soil aggregation mechanisms
Rillig, Ph.D., Matthias C.
Facilitation of biodiversity by shelter effects of Pinus patula and Alnus acuminata in montane ecosystems of South Ecuador
Hamer, Ute
Maraun, Mark
Mosandl, Reinhard
Rillig, Ph.D., Matthias C.
Stimm, Bernd
How soil biodiversity influences ecosystem stability in experimental grasslands
Yang, Gaowen
Patterns of root intraspecific trait variability
Rillig, Ph.D., Matthias C.
Responses of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to nutrient additions in Southern Ecuador
Rillig, Ph.D., Matthias C.
The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in plant litter decomposition
Leifheit, Eva
Understanding the ecology of soil aggregation: interrelationships between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and associated microbiota
Rillig, Ph.D., Matthias C.
Understanding the relative role of ecological neutrality and niche based competition in structuring the soil community: a comparative field study on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and microarthropods
Hempel, Stefan
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Microplastic occurrence and effects on soil fungi and processes along land use gradients
Rillig, Ph.D., Matthias C.
Completed projects
Belowground functional traits of plants as drivers of biodiversity and ecosystem functions
van Kleunen, Mark
Rillig, Ph.D., Matthias C.
Biodiversity and land-use effects on root biomass and arbuscular mycorrhizal communities in roots
Hempel, Stefan
Dynamics of soil aggregation as affected by land use in grasslands and forests
Rillig, Ph.D., Matthias C.
Dynamics of soil aggregation as affected by land use in grasslands and forests
Barto, Kathryn E.
Impact of soil negative feedbacks on plant-species diversity
Joshi, Jasmin
Rillig, Ph.D., Matthias C.
Sebacinales community structure in roots and soils along land use gradients of the German Biodiversity Exploratories
Hempel, Stefan
Understanding the contribution of functional traits of individual fungal taxa to ecosystem functions under different land use scenarios (FunTrait)
Hempel, Stefan
Research Units
Completed projects
Root and mycorrhizal responses to nutrient additions in a tropical mountain forest and in pastures after forest conversion
Rillig, Ph.D., Matthias C.
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Arbuscular mycorrhiza along forest soil sequences differing in P-availability
Rillig, Ph.D., Matthias C.
PhosForDiv - Phosphate availability as driver of plant biodiversity in forest ecosystems
Kowarik, Ingo
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Context-dependence of thermopriming in fungi
(Project Head
Rillig, Ph.D., Matthias C.
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2118: Integrating Biodiversity Research with Movement Ecology in Dynamic Agricultural Landscapes (BioMove)
Jeltsch, Florian
Additional Information
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