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TRR 110:  Symmetries and the Emergence of Structure in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)

Subject Area Physics
Term from 2012 to 2024
Website Homepage
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 196253076
The main theme of this CRC is the role of symmetries and the emergence of structure in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). Here, the complex structures that are investigated include hadrons as well as nuclei, as these are different manifestations of the strong force. It is the great strength of this CRC that the fields of hadronic and nuclear physics are considered together, as it is now accepted also world-wide. We have made quite some progress in all the various projects, with particular emphasis on the so-called exotic XYZ-states (and other exotic or unusual states) that have been at the center of many experimental and theoretical investigations all over the world in the past years. This CRC also combines in a unique fashion various techniques to tackle these difficult strongly interacting many-particle problems, namely effective field theories, lattice simulations and modeling. In particular, lattice simulations are now also applied to atomic nuclei and we intend to further strengthen this line of research, in strong synergy with the colleagues who investigate hadron structure and dynamics using such methods. In the second funding period, there was a continued focus on hadron physics aspects which was due to the existing collaborations with Chinese colleagues. In the second funding period we started collaborations in nuclear physics too, and accordingly in this period nuclear physics research increased. Consequently, hadron and nuclear physics will also be the main themes in the third period with an increased focus on projects requiring substantial computational resources. This reflects the increased contribution of high-performance computing in physics.
DFG Programme CRC/Transregios
International Connection China

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Participating University Peking University

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