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Characterization of bioenergetic processes in mononuclear leukocytes from high-yielding dairy cows with positive and negative energy balance

Subject Area Animal Breeding, Animal Nutrition, Animal Husbandry
Term from 2012 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 222886268
The objective of this project is to assess bioenergetic processes in peripheral blood mononuclear leukocyte (PBMC) activation and their interrelation with animal energy status and immunoregulatory blood parameters in high-yielding dairy cows during a period ranging from -8 to +12 weeks relative to calving. Normal and overconditioned cows will be compared in the proposed study, as the latter are known to develop a more severe negative energy balance and have a higher incidence for infectious diseases. In order to characterize bioenergetics processes of PBMC metabolism, cell respiration and adhesion and the contribution and hierarchy of various functional components (ion transport, macromolecule synthesis) will be quantified. Indirect calorimetry measurements during ad libitum and restricted feeding serve to calculate daily and resting energy expenditure and energy balance. It is expected that differences in bioenergetics processes of PBMC metabolism between animal groups are related to differences in energy expenditure and energy balance. In this project classical methods are combined with new innovative approaches on the in vivo and in vitro level. The results of this systemic approach on the interrelation of immune cell and animal energy metabolism are of general relevance for basic science, and potentially also for applied (agricultural) science.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection Switzerland

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