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3DIA: 3D printed interactive objects - design, interaction concepts, automation

Subject Area Human Factors, Ergonomics, Human-Machine Systems
Term from 2016 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 326979514
3D printing is getting ever more versatile and cost-effective. The proposed research concerns in particular 3D printing of interactive objects, for which hardware components for computer input modalities (like touch) are directly integrated as part of the printing process. Two trends fuel the importance of advancements in this respect. Firstly, 3D printing is recognized to revolutionize production engineering; the proposed research advances production of, e.g., product enclosures (for household appliances, industrial machinery etc.) in which the input facilities are already integrated; this is most desirable in light of the ubiquity of electronics-prone products. Secondly, computer peripherals are about to proliferate; high potential is attributed to tangible interaction devices that are customized to specific usage scenarios or users. The advancements planned in the present proposal will allow for one-shot production of custom tangible interaction devices via 3D printing: in combination with capacitive displays, they will be instantly ready to use, otherwise after just embedding or attaching the electronics.The research proposal addresses three research questions:(D)esign: How can the common design of 3D printable object extended towards design and embedding of interaction hardware, with added support for the customization of interaction components for appropriate or desired interaction concepts?(I)nteraction concepts: Which user friendly and re-usable basic interaction concepts are suitable for which categories of 3D printed objects (in light of the wealth of object forms and functions) for what, and how can they be conditioned for integration in the design support (D)?(A)utomation: Which subtasks of the 3D design of interactive 3D printed objects can be automated, such as, e.g., the routing of conductive material in non-conductive material or the computation of support structures yielding desired elasticity, and which novel or enhanced algorithms are required for this purpose?These research questions shall be addressed in the proposed project with respect to two specific input modalities: (i) touch and touch gestures (such as touching or grasping) and (ii) deformation (such as bending or pressing) of the 3D printed objects. The answers to these research questions shall lead to comprehensive support for the creation of corresponding interactive objects, from known 3D design via integrated interaction design and via the automated detailed design until the production in a 3D print process that includes several commercially available materials.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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