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EXC 2049:  NeuroCure

Subject Area Neurosciences
Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
Term since 2019
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Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 390688087
Neurological and psychiatric disorders pose a massive burden to society, and our understanding of the underlying molecular and pathophysiological mechanisms is limited. In addition, translation of knowledge into clinical advances has proven difficult. Learning from achievements and challenges met in the past, NeuroCure is now proposing an innovative research agenda bringing together 25 excellent scientists with state-of-the-art expertise in selected research areas that have the potential to transform basic and translational neuroscience. Our goal is to narrow the current gap between basic and clinical neuroscience and thereby promote the development of successful therapies and diagnostic tools. We will provide tailored programs and create structures designed to support collaboration and facilitate exchange of expertise and methodologies between basic researchers and clinicians. Our focus is not restricted to a specific brain disease; rather, our overarching aim is to elucidate the overlapping pathophysiological processes that are common across multiple neurological and psychiatric disorders. With this proposal we are now focusing on collaborative projects in three areas of neuroscience research: development, maintenance, and aging. These research areas will be flanked by newly established translational modules: BrainLab will provide researchers with increased patient access, including access to inpatients with acute and severe brain disorders; SPARK aims to accelerate and improve the translational process; VOS strengthens the predictive power of our research and thereby improves the translational pipeline. With the integration of new researchers into the highly collaborative NeuroCure research environment, supplemented by the generation of new programs and structures designed specifically to facilitate the application of relevant advances to the clinical setting, we hope to lead our research towards the forefront in translational neuroscience.
DFG Programme Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)

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