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Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrt (ILR)
Fachgebiet Luftfahrtantriebe
Marchstraße 12-14
10587 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10587 Berlin
Research Grants
Completed projects
Aktive Beeinflussung der laminaren Ablösung in periodisch instationären Strömungen
Peitsch, Dieter
Breakdown of tip clearance vortices in periodically unsteady flow
Peitsch, Dieter
Closed loop control of stall flutter of turbo machinery blades
Peitsch, Dieter
Die laminare Ablöseblase und der Turbulenzeinfluss bei instationärer Zuströmung
Peitsch, Dieter
Experimental investigation of vibrating compressor blades in the presence of a periodic unsteady inlet flow
Peitsch, Dieter
Flow phenomena in an annular stator compressor cascade with tandem blading and the influence of real geometries
Peitsch, Dieter
Interaction of rotating instabilities and stall in axial compressors
Peitsch, Dieter
Strömungsinduzierter Schall in Turbomaschinen - Die Rotierende Instabilität -
Ehrenfried, Klaus
Enghardt, Lars
Peitsch, Dieter
Thamsen, Paul Uwe
The interaction of the tip clearance vortex system of tandem blades in a high-speed linear cascade
Peitsch, Dieter
Untersuchungen zum Einfluss des Spaltwirbels auf die Entstehung und Entwicklung Rotierender Instabilitäten im stehenden Ringgitter
Peitsch, Dieter
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Active flow control of stator cascades at periodically-transient boundary conditions
(Project Heads
Liebich, Robert
Peitsch, Dieter
Aktive Strömungskontrolle an einer hoch belasteten, linearen Verdichterkaskade unter kompressiblen Strömungsbedingungen
(Project Heads
Nitsche, Wolfgang
Peitsch, Dieter
Central Task of the Collaborative Research Center
(Project Heads
King, Rudibert
Peitsch, Dieter
Cooling and Performance of a Turbine under periodically unsteady inflow conditions
(Project Head
Peitsch, Dieter
Dynamically forced impingement cooling in realistic turbine blades
(Project Heads
Haucke, Frank
Peitsch, Dieter
Holistic evaluation and improvement of a gas turbine with a periodic pressure-gain combustion
(Project Heads
Peitsch, Dieter
Stathopoulos, Panagiotis
SFB 1029: TurbIn - Substantial Efficiency Increase in Gas Turbines through Direct Use of Coupled Unsteady Combustion and Flow Dynamics
King, Rudibert
Peitsch, Dieter
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