Universität des Saarlandes
Fachrichtung Physik
Arbeitsgruppe Geometrie fluider Grenzflächen
Campus, Geb. E2.9
66123 Saarbrücken
This institution in GERiT
66123 Saarbrücken
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Dynamic wetting and dewetting of viscous liquid droplets/films on viscoelastic substrates
Seemann, Ralf
Wagner, Ph.D., Barbara Agnes
Completed projects
Dynamics of Morphological Wetting Transitions on Topographic Substrates
Seemann, Ralf
Mechanical properties of dense granular assemblies in the presence of wetting liquids.
Herminghaus, Stephan
Herrmann, Hans J.
Single motion and collective behavior of self-propelling droplets driven by Marangoni flow
Seemann, Ralf
Structure Formation in Thin Liquid-Liquid Films
Seemann, Ralf
Wagner, Ph.D., Barbara Agnes
Research Grants
Current projects
Understanding of pore scale displacement processes for Newtonian and complex fluids through the interaction of fluid properties and pore geometry.
Seemann, Ralf
Completed projects
Directional wetting properties of topographically micro-patterned surfaces
Seemann, Ralf
Discrete microfluidics: manipulation of gel emulsions in confined geometries
Brinkmann, Ph.D., Martin
Seemann, Ralf
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Röntgentomographiescanner mit Submikrometerauflösung
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Microfluidic Platform to Study the Transport Properties of Model Cell Membranes
(Project Heads
Fleury, Ph.D., Jean-Baptiste
Seemann, Ralf
Wetting induced structure formation in elastic porous media
(Project Heads
Brinkmann, Ph.D., Martin
Herminghaus, Stephan
X-Ray Optics using Foams in Microsystems
(Project Heads
Bahr, Christian
Herminghaus, Stephan
Seemann, Ralf
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1276: Structure Formation and Transport in Complex Systems
Lücke, Manfred
Santen, Ludger