Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Biologie
Computational Biology
Universitätsstraße 27
33615 Bielefeld
This institution in GERiT
33615 Bielefeld
Research Grants
Current projects
Trilateral FPP 2023 - Homoeolog-aware gene networks at single-cell resolution to improve cold tolerance in wheat
Bräutigam, Andrea
Completed projects
BARN_BARley yield associated Network
Muehlbauer, Gary J.
Stein, Nils
Waugh, Robbie
Evolutionary network analysis based on the transcriptome atlas of Marchantia polymorpha (EvoNet)
Bräutigam, Andrea
Zachgo, Sabine
The role of the manganese exporter Mnx in manganese homeostasis of photoautotrophs
Eisenhut, Marion
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 3000: Ecology and Evolution of Intraspecific Chemodiversity in Plants
Müller, Caroline
Molecular basis of chemodiversity in the genome
Bräutigam, Andrea
Completed projects
Transport of photorespiratory intermediates between cellular compartments
Weber, Andreas P.M.
Current projects
Decoding the input syntax of photosynthetic gene expression
(Project Head
Bräutigam, Andrea
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
In vitro evolution of a synthetic organelle inside a picolitre habitat
(Project Heads
Eisenhut, Marion
Kohlheyer, Dietrich
Weber, Andreas P.M.
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
DataPLANT – Data in PLANT research
von Suchodoletz, Dirk