Universität Rostock
Fakultät für Informatik und Elektrotechnik (IEF)
Institut für Visual and Analytic Computing
Albert-Einstein-Straße 22
18059 Rostock
This institution in GERiT
18059 Rostock
Research Grants
Current projects
CoCo: Comparative and Collaborative Visual Analysis of Clustering and Co-clustering Ensembles
Beck, Fabian
Explorative Modeling and Simulation of Cognitive Agents
Uhrmacher, Adelinde
iV-Morph: Interactive Visual Metamorphosis for Multi-view Data Exploration
Tominski, Christian
Simulation-based Optimisation using Differentiable Agents (SODA)
Uhrmacher, Adelinde
Towards generating and executing automatically simulation experiments
Uhrmacher, Adelinde
Completed projects
Diskret-ereignisorientierte Mehrebenenmodellierung und Simulation für die Systembiologie
Uhrmacher, Adelinde
Efficient Simulation of Cell-Biological Multi-Level Models (ESCeMMo)
Uhrmacher, Adelinde
Ein komponentenbasiertes Framework zur Unterstützung einer effektiven und effizienten Simulation von Agentensystemen
Uhrmacher, Adelinde
Modeling and simulation methods for linked lives in demography
Uhrmacher, Adelinde
SmoothViz: Visualization of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulation Data
Linsen, Lars
Rosenthal, Paul
Visual Segmentation and Labeling of Multivariate Time Series
Fellner, Dieter W.
Schumann, Heidrun
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Developing new visual analysis methods to be integrated into simulation processes, focusing on the exploration of cell biological systems in space and time
Schumann, Heidrun
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Computational models for analysing the impact of electric fields on intracellular and intercellular processes at different spatio-temporal scales
(Project Head
Uhrmacher, Adelinde
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Spors, Sascha
Storch, Alexander
Uhrmacher, Adelinde
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1387: Integrative Development of Modelling and Simulation Methods for Regenerative Systems (dIEM oSiRiS)
Uhrmacher, Adelinde
GRK 1424: Multimodal Smart Appliance Ensembles for Mobile Applications (MuSAMA)
Kirste, Thomas
GRK 1780: CrossWorlds: Connecting Virtual and Real Social Worlds
Eibl, Maximilian