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Channeling and Photon Emission of Electrons in Crystalline Undulators

Subject Area Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
Term from 2009 to 2012
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 100665029
Final Report Year 2012

Final Report Abstract

The project was devoted to a theoretical and numerical study of the properties of an electron-crystalline undulator as well as of the radiation formed in it. By means of a crystalline undulator, which stands for a periodically deformed crystal, it is possible to construct a novel light source capable to generate spontaneous and stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation at very high energies, from hundreds keV up to the MeV range. This can be achieved due to a particular motion of incident ultra-relativistic projectiles (electrons or positrons) which propagate through the crystal following the periodic shape of its deformed planes. The feasibility of constructing a crystalline undulator is a very recent concept, and theoretical and numerical investigation of the beam dynamic and the spectrum of the emitted radiation are highly relevant in view of the ongoing experiments at Mainz Microtron (Germany) and of the scheduled experiments at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA). Two main results have been achieved within the DFG supported project ”Channeling and Photon Emission of Electrons in Crystalline Undulators”. (i) It was clearly demonstrated that the parameters of the electron beam at Mainz Microtron are sufficient to achieve enhancement of the electromagnetic radiation formed in the crystalline undulators manufactures in the MBE laboratory at Aarhus University (Denmark). This was done on the basis of comprehensive numerical simulations of the channeling process of electrons with the energies up to 1 GeV and on the subsequent analysis of the electron propagation lengths as well as of the parameters of the emitted radiation. The simulations were performed by means of the novel computer code which was developed in the course of the project. (ii) A scheme for a novel source of coherent electromagnetic radiation, a Crystalline Undulator based Laser, was proposed and patented. Its advantage with respect to the existing radiation sources is in the capability to emit intensive monochromatic electromagnetic radiation of much smaller wavelength including hard X-ray and gamma-ray range. The proposed apparatus can be commercialized as equipment for scientific laboratories, in particular for nuclear physics and plasma physics laboratories. It may be used in medicine, e.g. for cancer therapy. It can be used for nondestructive analysis of isotope composition of various objects.


  • “Monte-Carlo Simulations of Electron Channelling a Bent (110) Channel in Silicon" (EPJD)
    A. Kostyuk, A. Korol, A. Solov’yov and W. Greiner
  • Modulated particle beam in a crystal channel” Proc. of the 51st Workshop of "INFN Eloisatron" Project "Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena" Channeling 2008 (Erice, Italy, Oct. 2008), Eds. S.B. Dabagov, L. Palumbo, A. Zichichi (World Scientific, 2010) pp. 438-447.
    A. Kostyuk, A.V. Korol, A.V. Solov’yov and W. Greiner
  • “Stable propagation of a modulated particle beam in a bent crystal channel,” J. Phys. B B 43 (2010) 151001
    A. Kostyuk, A. V. Korol, A. V. Solov’yov and W. Greiner
  • Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Erzeugung electromagnetischer Strahlung, DE: 10 2010 023 632.2, 2011
    W. Greiner, A. V. Korol, A. Kostyuk, A. V. Solov’yov
  • “Demodulation of a positron beam in a bent crystal channel,” Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 269 (2011) 1482
    A. Kostyuk, A. V. Korol, A. V. Solov’yov and W. Greiner
  • “Planar channelling of 855 MeV electrons in silicon: Monte Carlo simulations,” J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44 (2011) 075208
    A. Kostyuk, A. Korol, A. Solov’yov and W. Greiner,
  • “Planar channelling of electrons: numerical analysis and theory,” Nuovo Cimento C 34-4 (2011) 167
    A. Kostyuk, A. V. Korol, A. V. Solov’yov and W. Greiner

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