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Analysis of Mpv17 and Pex11 in the context of peroxisomal channels

Subject Area Biochemistry
Term from 2008 to 2011
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 102827529
The work proposed herein addresses the characterization of two putative channel forming proteins at the peroxisomal membrane. There's clear evidence that large metabolites such as ATP/AMP cross the peroxisomal membrane through selective transporters; however, the question how small soluble molecules like urate and glycolate reach the peroxisomal lumen is still unanswered. We have hints that these metabolites cross the membrane through non-selective channels. To analyze two proteins concerning their putative channel forming activity and, furthermore, to characterize these proteins will be the focus of my project. One of these proteins is Mpv17, a homolog of the channel forming protein Pxmp2. My work will be the functional analysis of this protein and the characterization of the knock-out mouse regarding its phenotype. I will perform a comparative analysis of the phenotypes of the Mpv17-/-- and the Pxmp2-/-- mice The other putative channel forming protein is Pex11. The function of this protein in peroxisomal biogenesis is under debate. My work will be the evaluation of its channel forming activity and further characterization of its structure.
DFG Programme Research Fellowships
International Connection Finland

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