Project Details
Professor Dr. Kornelius Nielsch
Subject Area
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
from 2009 to 2017
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 122186358
As done in the first funding period, the SPP 1386 coordination project will continue to support the integration, communication and information exchange of scientists working in the program. Therefore, the program SPP 1386 has established and will now elaborate the different tools suited to facilitate cooperation and education. The annual status meetings with all teams in the SPP guarantee a coherent exchange of knowledge, two focus workshops within a year with national and international experts will accelerate the exchange of know-how on specific topics and the mobility program will be performed in order to give younger scientists the opportunity to work for two weeks in a laboratory of a selected SPP member in order to exchange materials, methods and ideas. The internet platform has been established and will be further developed to reach a broader scientific as well as a popular science audience. The emphasis on public relations and promotion will be further strengthened, for example via physical projects for “Jugend forscht” as well as by thermoelectric lessons in schools nationwide and furthermore throughout the internet presence. This means will help to emphasize the awareness of the general public regarding the importance of the termed technologies. By pointing out the very promising results of the SPP 1386 on science field we also try to fascinate potential talented scientists and scholars for a study or an employment at qualified German universities. Due to a lack of interest on the part of the project participants of the SPP1386 the mentoring program will not further be pursued during the second funding period.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes