SFB 666: Integral Sheet Metal Design with Higher Order Bifurcations - Development, Production, Evaluation
Materials Science and Engineering
Final Report Abstract
Finding technical solutions for current, challenging problems is one of the most important driving factors for creating innovations. The design tasks are particularly demanding, if not only sufficient but also the best possible solutions are to be worked out taking into account all relevant boundary conditions and requirements. Product development methods that have been applied so far neglect a particularly important driver for product developments to a large extent: manufacturing technologies. On the basis of numerous case studies, the CRC 666 has shown that manufacturing knowledge is extremely important for product development in order to find the best technical solutions. However, this knowledge is generally not available to the product designers in a usable form. Therefore, many possibilities for utilizing manufacturing-induced properties are not exhausted. Starting from the novel methods of linear flow splitting and combinations with known manufacturing technologies, fascinating design possibilities for sheet metal products could be systematically developed within the work of the CRC 666. Thus, the overall goal of the CRC 666 was fully achieved: the creation of a consistently formalized approach to exploit the technological potential of new processes for an optimized product design. Within the funding periods of the SFB 666, a new approach for an integrated algorithm-based product and process development was gradually developed which now allows a comprehensive view of product and process information using mathematical algorithms for the first time. For the aimed integral production of thin-walled, branched structures made of high-strength and ultra-highstrength sheet metal without a material doubling in a continuous flow production at room temperature, extensive process and method developments as well as validations were carried out in the CRC 666. Successfully, the process potentials of the rolling processes of linear flow splitting and linear bend splitting have been developed and combined with cutting and bending processes to completely new design possibilities for profile components. This also includes durable and reversible profile connections in which the high-strengthened branched areas were specifically positioned in the connection zones. Starting from the mechanisms of linear flow splitting, important knowledge into severe plastic deformation (SPD) methods have been developed in material-scientific research. In particular, the coupling with investigations on the operational and rolling strength, allowed to quantify the advantageous property changes by the highly plastic deformation. The flexible linear flow splitting developed within the CRC 666 represents a manufacturing technology which is outstanding in terms of its product and process flexibility. Within the individual funding periods the work of the CRC 666 was followed by a research roadmap that has been designed with increasing demands on geometric complexity, optimized functionalities and modeling depth. Numerous scientists working in the CRC 666 have been able to further improve their scientific qualifications by means of challenging and interdisciplinary tasks. Today, they occupy challenging positions in business and science. All scientific findings of the CRC were documented in a joint book publication.
Herstellung einteilig verzweigter Blechstrukturen. Werkstattstechnik Online. 2005
Groche, Peter; Vucic, Dragoslav
Flexible Prozessketten für Mehrkammerprofile aus Blech. Werkstattstechnik Online. 2006
Groche, Peter; Ringler, Jens; Walter, Martin; Munirathnam, Madhu
Zyklisches Werkstoffverhalten sprühkompaktierter Aluminiumwerkstoffe. Kennwerte für die Bauteilbemessung: Von der Probe zum Bauteil. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. 2006
Landersheim, Volker; el Dsoki, Chalid; Bruder, Enrico; Bohn, Tilman; Müller, Clemens
Severe plastic deformation by linear flow splitting. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. 2007
Müller, Clemens; Bohn, Tilman; Bruder, Enrico; Bruder, Thomas; Landersheim, Volker; el Dsoki, Chalid; Groche, Peter; Veleva, Desislava
Ultra-HSC-Bearbeitung von Bandkanten. Werkstattstechnik Online. 2007
Abele, Eberhard; Stein, Sebastian; Munirathnam, Madhu
Formation of ultrafine-grained microstructure in HSLA steel profiles by linear flow splitting. Journal of Materials Science. 2008
Bohn, Tilman; Bruder, Enrico; Müller, Clemens
Numerical fatigue strength evaluation of inhomogeneous, linear flow split profiles. Proceedings of the ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference 2008
Landersheim, Volker; el Dsoki, Chalid; Hanselka, Holger; Bruder, Enrico; Veleva, Desislava; Groche, Peter; Bohn, Tilman; Müller, Clemens; Nieslony, Adam
Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD) Processes for Metals. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology. 2008
Azushima, A.; Kopp, R.; Korhonen, A.; Yang, D. Y.; Micari, F.; Lahoti, G. D.; Groche, P.; Yanagimoto, J.; Tsuji, N.; Rosochowski, A.; Yanagida, A.
Analyse der Wirkung von Kerben, Mittel- und Eigenspannungen auf die Schwingfestigkeit des hochumgeformten Werkstoffbereichs von Spaltprofilen. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. 2009
Landersheim, Volker; Eigenmann, Bernd; el Dsoki, Chalid; Bruder, Thomas; Sonsino, Cetin Morris; Hanselka, Holger
Bending-Rolling combinations for strips with optimized cross section geometries. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology. 2009
Groche, Peter; Ringler, Jens; Abu Schreehah, Tareq
Influence of sputter rate and crystal orientation on the distribution of carbon in polycrystalline copper surfaces treated by plasma immersion ion implantation. Journal of Applied Physics. 106 2009
Flege, S.; Kraft, G.; Bruder, E.; Baba, K.; Hatada, R.; Ensinger, W.
Standwegsteigerung bei der Bandkantenbearbeitung. Werkstattstechnik Online. 2009
Abele, Eberhard; Stein, Sebastian
Three-dimensional kernel development with parasolid for integral sheet metal design with higher order bifurcations. Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference 2009
Rollmann, Thomas H.; Schüle, Anselm L.; Anderl, Reiner; Chahadi, Youssef
Combination of an Adaptive Multilevel SQP Method and a Space-Time Adaptive PDAE Solver for Optimal Control Problems. Procedia Computer Science. 2010
Clever, Debora; Lang, Jens; Ulbrich, Stefan; Ziems, J. Carsten
Estimation of the essential supremum of a regression function. Statistics & Probability Letters. 2010
Kohler, Michael; Krzyzak, Adam; Walk, Harro
Further Processing of UltraFine-Grain Materials. International Journal of Material Forming. 2010
Taplick, Christoph; Rullmann, Felix; Groche, Peter
Adaptive Multilevel Inexact SQP Methods for PDE-constrained Optimization. SIAM Journal on Optimization. 2011
Ziems, Jan; Ulbrich, Stefan
High strength hydroformed steel profiles with free flanges. Steel research international. 2011
Taplick, Christoph; Schmitt, Wolfram; Rullmann, Felix; Ludwig, Christian; Groche, Peter
An object-oriented information model for the representation of free form sheet metal parts in integral style. Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering. 2012
Weitzmann, Oliver J.; Schüle, Anselm L.; Rollmann, Thomas H.; Anderl, Reiner; Göllner, Thea
Application of the local strain approach on a rolling point contact model. International Journal of Fatigue. 2012
Karin, Ivan; Tomasella, Alessio; Landersheim, Volker; Kaufmann, Heinz; Hanselka, Holger
Definition of a Tool Library for the Approximation of Freeform Surfaces. Advanced Materials Research. 2012
Schäfer, Stefan; Reising, Jakob; Abedini, Scholeh; Bäcker, Frederic
Integration of manufacturing-induced properties in product design. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology. 2012
Groche, Peter; Schmitt, Wolfram; Bohn, Andrea; Gramlich, Sebastian; Ulbrich, Stefan; Günther, Ute
Sheet Metal Forming-Processes and Applications. Sheet Metal Forming-Processes and Applications. ASM International. 2012
Görtan, Okan; Livatyali, Haydar; Groche, Peter; Altan, Taylan; Tekkaya, Erman (eds.)
The effect of deformation texture on the thermal stability of UFG HSLA steel. Journal of Materials Science. 2012
Bruder, Enrico
A Simultaneous Engineering Approach for Free Form Bifurcated Sheet Metal Products. Smart Product Engineering. Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. Springer 2013
Schüle, Anselm; Anderl, Reiner; Stark, Rainer; Abramovici, Michael (eds.)
Festwalzen in der Rollenfertigung. Werkstattstechnik Online. 2013
Groche, Peter; Monnerjahn, Vinzent; Steitz, Manuel; Ludwig, Christian
Fixed design regression estimation based on real and artificial data. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics. 2013
Furer, Dmytro; Kohler, Michael
Quantification of local and global elastic anisotropy in ultrafine grained gradient microstructures, produced by linear flow splitting. Materials Science and Engineering. 2013
Niehuesbernd, Jörn; Müller, Clemens; Pantleon, Wolfgang; Bruder, Enrico
Nonparametric estimation of a conditional density. ESAIM Probability and Statistics. 2014
Bott, Ann-Kathrin; Kohler, Michael
On the Origin of Specimen: load-adapted integral sheet metal products. Procedia Engineering. 2014
Neuwirth, Manuel; Schmitt, Wolfram; Kretz, Felix; Groche, Peter
Metal forming beyond shaping: Predicting and setting product properties. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology. 2015
Tekkaya, A. E.; Allwood, J. M.; Bariani, P. F.; Bruschi, S.; Cao, J.; Gramlich, S.; Groche, P. et al.
Research on the influence of the metal working of the band edge on the process of linear flow splitting. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. 2015
Neuwirth, Manuel; Ahmels, Laura; Schmidt, Sebastian; Hegemann, Michael; Groche, Peter; Müller, Clemens
Technology pushed process and product innovation - Joining by Linear Flow Splitting. CIRPe 2015 - Understanding the life cycle implications of manufacturing. 2015
Wagner, Christian; Gramlich, Sebastian; Monnerjahn, Vinzent; Groche, Peter; Kloberdanz, Hermann
How to Enhance a Graphic Representation of Topological Optimized Profiles Regarding Manufacturing Information. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation. 2016
Albrecht, Katharina; Anderl, Reiner
Improving the formability of linear flow split profiles by laser annealing. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. 2016
Niehuesbernd, Jörn; Monnerjahn, Vinzent; Bruder, Enrico; Groche, Peter; Müller, Clemens
Information Model for the Integration of Manufacturing Restrictions into the Algorithm Based Product Development Process. Procedia CIRP. 2016
Albrecht, Katharina; Anderl, Reiner
Preconditioners based on "Parareal" timedomain decomposition for time-dependent PDE-constrained optimization. Multiple Shooting and time domain decomposition methods. Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences. 2016
Ulbrich, Stefan; Carraro, Thomas; Geiger, Michael; Körkel, Stefan; Rannacher, Rolf
Manufacturing Integrated Design: Sheet Metal Product and Process Innovation. Springer book 2017
Groche, Peter; Bruder, Enrico; Gramlich, Sebastian (eds.)
Manufacturing-integrated product solutions: Design support between product function and manufacturing processes. Materials Science and Engineering Technology. 2017
Roos, Michael; Wagner, Christian; Weber Martins, Thiago; Albrecht, Katharina; Anderl, Reiner; Kirchner, Eckhard
Remote joining by plastic deformation in the process of linear flow splitting. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2017
Groche, Peter; Monnerjahn, Vinzent; Özel, Mahmut; Yu, Yufan