Collaborative Resarch: Materials World Network: III-V Bismide Materials for IR and Mid IR Semiconductors
Fachliche Zuordnung
Elektronische Halbleiter, Bauelemente und Schaltungen, Integrierte Systeme, Sensorik, Theoretische Elektrotechnik
Experimentelle Physik der kondensierten Materie
Förderung von 2009 bis 2013
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 131357985
The objective of the proposed materials world network is to theoretically and experimentally research and develop III-V bismide compound semiconductors for infrared (IR) and mid IR optoelectronic devices and other narrow bandgap devices at the readily available lattice constants of GaAs, InP, InAs, and GaSb substrates; including GaAsBi on GaAs and InP, and GaAsSbBi and GaInAsSbBi on GaSb or InAs. III-V bismides offer new technology prospects in the area of materials research and the opportunity to develop an innovative class of materials that have: i) the potential to cover near IR wavelengths up to 3 μm on GaAs substrates and all wavelengths beyond 2 μm on GaSb substrates, ii) a uniquely large spin orbit splitting which provides an opportunity for semiconductor spintronic devices, iii) a spin orbit band offset that is typically larger than bandgap energy which provides an opportunity to develop active materials with significantly reduced Auger recombination, iv) a weak temperature dependence of the band gap energy that offers improved temperature stability for emitters and detectors, and v) the opportunity for band offset engineering that offers substantial improvement for hole confinement in GaSb based mid IR materials.Intellectual Merits: The proposed materials network adds value by bringing together leading experts with state-of-the-art resources in materials science, electrical engineering, and physics from around the world to rapidly advance discovery and understanding in the area of III-V bismide alloys and how they impact bandgap energy, band offsets, and material performance. This team is particularly well suited to accomplish the proposed tasks, which span fundamental crystal growth, materials science, device fabrication, and device physics. Furthermore, alloying the semimetallic compound (GaBi) with semiconductors can potentially create an alloy with significant and highly exploitable changes in its electrical and optical properties. This effort is conceived and organized to substantially advance the theoretical and experimental understanding and knowledge of III-V bismides. Furthermore, the proposed networking adds value by developing cyberinfrastructure to enhance data sharing and analysis between the investigators and the broader scientific community which may well change the way data is managed and material challenges are addressed.Broader Impacts: The proposed research benefits society by advancing the materials knowledge base of III-V bismides to enable novel devices needed for present and future engineering grand challenges, such as i) mid and long IR lasers and detectors for homeland security and pollution detection, ii) efficient near IR lasers and detectors for information and communication technology, and iii) photovoltaic and thermal photovoltaic solar-electrics for sustainable energy conversion. Moreover, the proposed program adds value and enhances infrastructure for research and education by i) linking scientists across areas of expertise on a global scale, ii) promoting sample exchange and tool sharing for the development of novel III-V bismide materials, iii) forming an international research and education network for epitaxial growth and materials engineering development for next generation devices, and iv) interfacing the proposed global research team with advanced cyberinfrastructure to enhance scientific and technological understanding of the proposed materials. The proposed activity advances discovery and understanding while promoting teaching, training, and learning by i) connecting innovative and fundamental materials research and education on a global scale, ii) bringing together world class researchers and students with broad areas of expertise to understand and discover how III-V bismide alloys impact bandgap energy, band offsets, and material performance as a function of bismuth mole fraction and temperature; iii) providing advanced data organization and examination to guide the design and materials engineering for III-V bismide devices over a wide range of bandgap energies, and iv) enabling the development of devices with exceptional performance. In addition, the proposed collaboration adds value by enhancing science and technology through broader dissemination and understanding by i) faceto- face interaction at international workshops, ii) publication of student and researcher results in international journals, and iii) advancing data sharing and information exchange to further inspire innovative and rewarding research.
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