Projekt Druckansicht

Development of a quick test method for the characterisation of the in-process properties of conventional grinding tools

Fachliche Zuordnung Spanende und abtragende Fertigungstechnik
Förderung Förderung von 2009 bis 2013
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 138587811
Due to the technological developments regarding innovative machine tools and machining strategies, higher cutting speeds and higher material removal rates are continuously demanded of conventional grinding tools. Thus the grinding tools are often utilised at the limit of their physical properties and capabilities. This leads to the effect that small variations in the properties of the grinding wheels often have significant consequences on the grinding process. Hence, the repeatability of the production of grinding tools in terms of their properties, and the prediction of their in-process behaviour are of increasing importance for process control. To date users’ demands for an evaluation method have not been adequately fulfilled however. Therefore new standards that are developed on an international basis are required. Multiple projects and studies have attempted to develop testing methods but success regarding the prediction of the in-process behaviour has been limited. Two common strategies are distinguishable: physical and technological testing methods. In physical testing methods, mechanical and material related parameters are measured without the grinding tool being engaged in a machining process. In technological testing methods, process parameters and machining results on the workpiece are detected in a defined machining process in order to deduce grinding tool characteristics. The advantage of technological testing methods is that all influencing parameters regarding the process, tool and workpiece are considered. Due to the complex structure of grinding tools, a general association between the known specifications, as delivered by the producers of grinding tools, and the in-process behaviour of the tool is not possible. This prevents the implementation of databases for the selection of tools for specific workpiece materials and machining tasks. The long term goal of this cooperative research project is to initiate a new international standardisation for grinding tools with regard to their in-process properties. The short term goal is to deliver a method that allows producers and/or users to undertake a precise classification of their tools. The development of a quick-test method for the characterisation of the in-process properties of conventional grinding tools through a cooperative project between Germany (IWF) and Brazil (LMP and OPF) is the first step in the direction of a new and a more user-oriented international standardisation of grinding tools.
DFG-Verfahren Sachbeihilfen
Internationaler Bezug Brasilien


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