Project Details
Simultane Konfidenzintervalle für nichtparametrische Effekte in faktoriellen Modellen
Subject Area
Epidemiology and Medical Biometry/Statistics
from 2009 to 2013
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 142157543
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
(2010). Testing and Estimation of purely nonparametric effects in repeated measures designs (2010). Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 54, 1895 – 1905
Konietschke, F., Bathke, A. C., Hothorn, L. A., Brunner, E.
(2012) Assessing group differences in biodiversity by simultaneously testing a user-defined selection of diversity indices. Molecular Ecology Resources 12 1068 – 1078
Pallmann, P., Schaarschmidt, F., Hothorn, L.A., Fischer, C., Nacke, H., Priesnitz, K.U., Schork, N.J.
(2012) Model-specific tests on variance heterogeneity for detection of potentially interacting genetic loci. BMC Genetics
Hothorn, L.A., Libiger, O., Gerhard, D.
(2012) The use of historical controls in estimation simultaneous confidence intervals for comparisons against a concurrent control. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 12 3865 – 3875
Kitsche, A., Schaarschmidt, F., Hothorn, L.A.
(2012). A studentized permutation test for the nonparametric Behrens-Fisher problem in paired data. The Electronic Journal of Statistics 6, 1358 – 1372
Konietschke, F., Pauly, M.
(2012). Evaluation of toxicological studies using a nonparametric Shirley-type trend test for comparing several dose levels with a control group. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 4, 14 – 27
Konietschke, F., Hothorn, L. A.
(2012). Nonparametric Evaluation of Quantitative Traits in Population-based Association Studies when the Genetic Model is Unknown, PLoS ONE 7(2): e31242
Konietschke, F., Libiger, O., Hothorn, L. A.
(2012). nparLD: An R Software Package for the Nonparametric Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Factorial Experiments. Journal of Statistical Software 50, 1 – 23
Noguchi, K., Gel, Y., Brunner, E. , Konietschke, F.
(2012). Rank-based multiple test procedures and simultaneous confidence intervals. The Electronic Journal of Statistics 6, 737 – 758
Konietschke, F., Hothorn, L.A., Brunner, E.
(2012). Ranking procedures for matched pairs with missing values - Asymptotic theory and a small sample approximation. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 56, 1090 – 1102
Konietschke, F., Harrar, S.W., Lange, K., Brunner, E.
(2013) Simultaneous confidence intervals for multiple comparisons among expected values of log-normal variables. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 58 265 – 275
Schaarschmidt, F.
(2013). Are Multiple Contrast Tests superior to the ANOVA? International Journal of Biostatistics 9, 1 – 11
Konietschke, F., Bösiger, S., Hothorn, L. A., Brunner, E.
(2013). Comments on the paper “Type I error and test power of different tests for testing interaction effects in factorial experiments” by M. Mendes and S. Yigit (Statistica Neerlandica, 2013, pp. 1-26). Statistica Neerlandica 67, 390 - 396
Brunner, E., Puri, M. L.
Comment on ‘Type I error and test power of different tests for testing interaction effects in factorial experiments’. Statistica Neerlandica Vol 67 Issue 4, November 2013, Pages 400-402
Konietschke, F., Gao, X., Bathke, A. C.
Simultaneous confidence intervals on multivariate non-inferiority. Statistics in Medicine, Vol 32 Issue 10, Special Issue: Papers from the Joint EMA, ISBS and DR‐IBS International Symposium on Biopharmaceutical Statistics: Bridging Drug Development from Research to Marketing, 10 May 2013, Pages 1720-1729
Hasler, M. Hothorn, L.A.
(2014) Testing for qualitative interaction using ratios in treatment differences. Statistics in Medicine, Vol 33 Issue 9, 30 April 2014, Pages 1477-1489
Kitsche, A., Hothorn, L.A.
Bootstrapping and Permuting paired t-test type statistics. Statistics and Computing, May 2014, Volume 24, Issue 3, pp 283–296
Konietschke, F., Pauly, M.
On Multiple Contrast Tests and Simultaneous Confidence Intervals in High-Dimensional Repeated Measures Designs. In: Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis: Methodologies and Applications,
herausgegeben von S. Ejaz Ahmed. American Mathematical Society, 2014, S. 109-mind. 123 (wohl Abdruck aus: Contemporary Mathematics, Vol 622, 2014)
Konietschke, F., Gel, Y. R., Brunner, E.
Asymptotic Permutation Tests for General Factorial Designs. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series B,
Volume77, Issue2, March 2015, Pages 461-473. First 2014
Pauly, M., Brunner, E., Konietschke, F.
nparcomp : An R Software Package for Nonparametric Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous Confidence Intervals. Journal of Statistical Software, 2015; 64(9), PDF: 17 S.
Konietschke, F., Placzek, M., Schaarschmidt, F., Hothorn, L. A.