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Evolution of the Early Solar Nebula: Isotopic Fractionation and Dynamical Processes

Applicant Dr. Dmitry Semenov
Subject Area Astrophysics and Astronomy
Term from 2010 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 144426989
One of the most interesting questions in astronomy is to understand the conditions under which planetary systems form. Protoplanetary disks of dust and gas around young stars are believed to be birthplaces of planetary systems. They resemble our Solar system at the age of several million years. Observations of these objects in molecular lines and dust thermal emission, coupled to analysis and modeling of meteoritic and cometary samples, are needed to unravel the initial conditions and chemical complexity at the verge of planet formation. This coherent research approach is based upon astrochemical, astrophysical, and cosmochemistry data. To better understand the Solar nebula physics, chemistry and dynamics, disk models will have to be critically re-evaluated and adjusted. Over the next two years I will: 1) utilize our advanced thermochemical disk model coupled to gas- grain chemistry to study deuterium fractionation with nuclear spin-state processes in the turbulent Solar nebula and other protoplanetary disks, 2) extend the chemical disk model by adding isotopic fractionation for C and O, 3) verify the model predictions with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA). The main directions of the project will be: (1) the study of the evolution of molecules and complex ices in the evolving Solar nebula, (2) the study of the isotopic fractionation and its relevance to the thermal/irradiation history in the Solar nebula, 3) the study and comparison of the Solar nebula chemistry with the isotopic chemistry in other protoplanetary disks.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes

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