Project Details
Determinants of German Sectoral Productivity Growth 1970-2003: New Data, New Methods and New Comparisons
Professor Dr. Gebhard Flaig
Subject Area
Economic Theory
from 2006 to 2009
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 14537111
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
(2007), "Gross Output vs. Value Added German Productivity Growth", in Divergences in Productivity Between Europe and the United States, Gilbert Cette, Michel Fouquin und Hans-Werner Sinn (Hrg.), Edward Elgar Ltd., Cheltenham, 2007
Eicher, Theo, Thomas Fuchs und Hans-Günther Vieweg
(2007), "Sources of the German Productivity Demise: Tracing the Effects of Industry-Level ICT Investment, Special Issue on the Determinants of Productivity Growth", German Economic Review 8 (2), 211-36
Sicher, Theo und Oliver Röhn
(2007), "Special Issue on Productivity Growth", Special Issue on the Determinants of Productivity Growth", German Economic Review 8 (2), 123-4
Eicher, Theo
(2007), "The Ifo Industry Growth Accounting Database", CESifo Working Paper Nr. 1915
Röhn, Oliver, Theo Eicher und Thomas Strobel
(2007), "Unraveling the Fortunes of the Fortunate: An Iterative Bayesian Model Averaging (IBMA) Approach", Journal of Macroeconomics 29 (3), September 2007, Pages 494-514
Eicher, Theo, Chris Papageorgiou und Oliver Röhn
(2008), "Germany's Continued Productivity Slump: An Industry Analysis", ifo Working Paper Nr. 58
Eicher, Theo und Thomas Strobel
(2008), "ICT, Skills and Productivity Growth - US-German High-Skill and ICT Investments Complementarities"
Strobel, Thomas
(2008), „Der deutsche Produktivitätsabschwung: Ursachenforschung auf Branchenebene", ifo Schnelldienst 61 (15), 33-40
Eicher, Theo und Thomas Strobel
(2008b), "The Rise and Fall of German Productivity: Software Investment as the Decisive Driver", CESifo Economic Studies 54 (3), 386- 413
Eicher, Theo und Thomas Strobel