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Atomic layer deposition (ALD) of complex oxide thin films for integration into semiconductor devices: Precursor engineering and process optimization

Subject Area Inorganic Molecular Chemistry - Synthesis and Characterisation
Term from 2009 to 2013
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 149935315
Final Report Year 2016

Final Report Abstract

The primary goals of the joint project between RUB and PGI was to develop ALD processes for the deposition of binary and complex oxide thin films which requires dedicated engineering of specially designed ALD precursors for group IV and rare earth based materials. The research focused mainly on precursor engineering (RUB) for ALD growth and ALD process optimization for oxide thin films based on new precursors with a goal of obtaining films with homogeneous thickness and homogeneous composition on three dimensional structures to allow the application of the films in future integrated devices (PGI). Of particular interest was the development and evaluation of different element precursors with the same ALD window with the potential of using them for the fabrication of complex metal oxides. The central questions addressing the relation between  precursor chemistry; ALD process parameters; chemical and structural properties of the films;  and finally electrical properties were tackled adopting a multidisciplinary approach which was proposed in the project proposal. Summing up, it must be stated that the project was extremely productive and the obtained results are excellent with respect to the initial goals and work packages. Given the difficulties in recruiting suitable personnel (at RUB) as well as the time frame of funding, the output can be rated as excellent, much beyond expectations. Moreover, this joint research project has laid a strong foundation in the research field of precursor engineering for group IV and rare earths as well as ALD process development of the respective oxides. During the course of this project, the two principal investigators of this project partners (Devi and Hoffmann-Eifert) at RUB and PGI respectively have gained more international visibility in the field of ALD. This project was also a cornerstone for the implementation and execution of a European level network where RUB coordinated a consortium (ENHANCE,, 2009-2013) with leading experts in the field of ALD and CVD dealing with research projects covering fabrication of nanostructured materials using gas phase routes. In this consortium RUB and PGI were the major beneficiaries. Recently, an EU-COST-Action on ALD was granted. This project HERALD links experts in the field of ALD on a European level and with networking to countries beyond Europe. Another positive output of this joint project was that apart from the successful collaboration of RUB and PGI-7, there were strong and successful collaborations established both at national and international levels as evidenced by the involvement of leading scientists from Germany (Leibniz Univ. Hannover), Italy (University of Padova), Finnland (University of Helsinki), Austria (TU Vienna), The Netherlands (TU Eindhoven) in the publications. The interdisciplinary nature of the project warranted close scientific collaboration with leading experts in making new and efficient contributions to this exciting field of research.


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    A. P. Milanov, K. Xu, A. Laha, E. Bugiel, R. Ranjith, D. Schwendt, H. J. Osten, H. Parala, R. A. Fischer, A. Devi
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    R. Ranjith, A. Laha, E. Bugiel, H. J. Osten, K. Xu, A P Milanov, A Devi
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  • Chem. Mater. 2013, 25(15), 3088
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