Project Details
Mikrostrukturelle Charakterisierung von zementären Bindemitteln mittels ultrahochauflösender cryo-Rasterelektronenmikroskopie
Dr. Christiane Rößler
Subject Area
Construction Material Sciences, Chemistry, Building Physics
from 2010 to 2014
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 162207190
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
(2011): Influence of power ultrasound on fluidity and microstructure of cement suspensions. 13. ICCC, Madrid, Spanien, CD ROM
Peters, S.; Kraus, M.; Rößler, C.; Ludwig, H.-M.
(2011): Power ultrasound – an effective method to accelerate setting and early strength development of concrete. 13. ICCC, Madrid, Spanien, CD ROM
Rößler, C.; Stöckigt, M.; Peters, S.; Ludwig, H.-M.
Power Ultrasound: An effective method to accelerate strength development of cementitious materials, CPI/BWI Journal, Issue 3 2012, S. 30-34
C. Rößler, S. Peters und H.-M. Ludwig
The Formation of C-S-H Phases in the Aqueous Phase of C3S-Pastes and the Role of Superplasticizers in: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Superplasticizers and Other Chemical Admixtures in Concrete, Prague 2012
T. Sowoidnich, C. Rößler, H-M. Ludwig, A. Völkel
Mesoporous structure and pozzolanic reactivity of rice husk ash in cementitious system, Construction and Building Materials, (2013), 43, pp. 208-216
Van, V.-T.-A., Rößler, C., Bui, D.D., and Ludwig, H.-M.
Characterization of cement hydrates by combination of high resolution SEM imaging, EDX analysis and TEM diffraction. 04/2014, EMPA / Zürich “C-A-S-H workshop”
Rößler, C. Möser, B., Ludwig H.-M.
Characterization of cement microstructure by calculation of phase distribution maps from SEM-EDX mappings. Proceedings of 19th ibausil conference 2015, Weimar/Germany. Aug 2016
Rößler, C., Möser, B., Ludwig H.-M.