Development and application of a combined method for the direct measurement of turbulent fluxes of atmospheric aerosol particle constituents

Antragsteller Dr. Klaus-Peter Hinz; Professor Dr. Otto Klemm
Fachliche Zuordnung Analytische Chemie
Förderung Förderung von 2005 bis 2010
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 16379592


Erstellungsjahr 2010

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Atmospheric aerosol particles play major roles in the climate system due to their ability to scatter and / or absorb radiation and to act as cloud condensation and ice nuclei. In addition, these particles degrade visibility, provide surfaces upon which atmospherically relevant reactions occur, and are statistically linked to increased rates of morbidity and mortality among exposed populations. Aerosols also provide a pathway via which materials are transported among different environmental media or atmospheric regions. Although decades of intense research yielded a large fundus of knowledge, large gaps still exist, for example, in the exchange processes between the surface (vegetafion, soil, water, urban environment) and the atmospheric boundary layer. Recent instrument development allows intense and novel research in this area. The principal investigators (Pi's) contributed to pioneering work on turbulent particle exchange fluxes near the surface (micrometeorological applications), to rapid single particle analysis instrument development (time-of-flight mass spectrometry), and to the combination of these techniques. The field is in rapid development, which is documented by 19 submitted contributions to the very first session of its kind on "Turbulent aerosol exchange fluxes between the atmosphere and surface" at the International Aerosol Conference 2010 in Helsinki, as coorganized by one of file Pi's. The scope of this project was to further develop the techniques to directly measure aerosolbased compounds, to optimize the technique with respect to size and operational handling, and to employ it in interdisciplinary field experiments. Several problems occurred, mainly associated with the delivery of very specific, robust and reliable system components. Significant delays led, in combination with the boundary conditions of fiie project, to a partwise re-organizafion. The new miniaturized mass spectrometer is built and ready for field experiments. Test experiments with an older spectrometer version to quantify the aerosol-bome carbon fluxes were successfully conducted. Detailed experiments about the size-segregated aerosol number and mass fluxes were conducted over the urban area of Münster. New techniques and data interpretation routines were developed and successfully applied. Overall, various results conceming process understanding of turbulent aerosol exchange processes has been developed. A miniaturized aerosol mass spectrometer for flux measurements . has been set up. The results are well documented in the peer-review international scientific literature and were presented at several national and international conferences.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • (2007) Characterization of specific vertical aerosol fluxes by turbulent flux measurement and single particle mass spectrometry for micro-meteorological analysis. European Aerosol Conference, Salzburg, T02A006, Poster
    E. Gelhausen, K.-P. Hinz, B. Spengler, A. Schmidt, O. Klemm
  • (2007) Kombinierte Anwendung von online-Einzelpartikel-Lasermassenspektrometrie und turbulenten Windmessungen in der Mikrometeorologie. Verhandl. DPG (VI) 42, 3/104, Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Düsseldorf, Vortrag
    E. Gelhausen, K.-P. Hinz, B. Spengler, A. Schmidt, O. Klemm
  • (2008) Charakterisierung vertikaler Aerosolflüsse mittels „Turbulenz-Fluss-Messungen" und Einzelpartikelmassenspektrometrie für mikrometeorologische Analysen. 41. Jahrestagung der DGMS, Giessen, 2008, P1025, p.129. Poster
    E. Gelhausen, K.-P. Hinz, B. Spengler, A. Schmidt, O. Klemm
  • (2008) Direct determination of highly size-resolved turbulent particle fluxes with the disjunct eddy covariance method and a 12 - stage electrical low pressure impactor. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8, pp. 7405 - 7417
    A. Schmidt and O. Klemm
  • (2008) Gap filling and quality assessment of CO2 and water vapour fluxes above an urban area with radial basis function neural networks. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 126, pp. 389 - 413
    A. Schmidt, T. Wrzesinsky, O. Klemm
  • (2008), Combination of micro-meteorology and single particle mass spectrometry for determination of particle compound fluxes. European Aerosol Conference, Thessaloniki, T04A032P. Poster
    E. Gelhausen, K.-P. Hinz, B. Spengler, A. Schmidt, O. Klemm
  • (2009) Advanced filt correction from flow distortion effects on turbulent CO2 fluxes in complex environments using large eddy simulation The Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 135, 1603-1613
    F. Griessbaum and A. Schmidt
  • (2009) Determination of carbon particle fluxes by combination of micro-meteorology and single particle mass spectrometry. European Aerosol Conference, Karlsruhe, T022A29, Poster
    E. Gelhausen, K.-P. Hinz, A. Schmidt, O. Klemm, B. Spengler
  • (2009) Single Particle Mass Analysis for Direct Determination of Particle Fluxes in Micro-Meteorological Experiments. Proceedings of the 57th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, ThPX, 608, Poster
    K.-P. Hinz, E. Gelhausen, B. Spengler, A. Schmidt, O. Klemm
  • (2010) On-line Charakterisierung von Aerosolpartikeln mit einem neuen, kompakten, mobilen Flugzeitmassenspektrometer LAMPAS 3. Verhandl, DPG (VI) 45, 1/156, Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Hannover, Vortrag
    K.-P. Hinz, E. Gelhausen, B. Spengler
DFG-Verfahren Sachbeihilfen
Großgeräte Komponenten zum Aufbau eines mobilen Teilchenmassenspektrometers
Gerätegruppe 1700 Massenspektrometer