Project Details
Homoclinic bifurcations at tonic-firing to bursting transitions: underlying mechanisms and impact on neuronal synchronization
Professorin Dr. Ulrike Feudel
Subject Area
Statistical Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Complex Systems, Soft and Fluid Matter, Biological Physics
from 2010 to 2014
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 164150518
Final Report Year
No abstract available
Deterministic and Stochastic Dynamics of a Mammalian Cold Receptor Model with Subthreshold Oscillations. PhD thesis
Christian Finke
(2010) Noisy activation kinetics induces bursting in the Huber-Braun model. Eur. J. Phys. - ST 187, 199-203
Finke C, Postnova S, Rosa E, Freund JA, Huber MT, Voigt K, Moss FE, Braun HA, Feudel U
(2010): A computational study of the interdependencies between neuronal impulse pattern, noise effects and synchronization. Journal of Physiology-Paris 104, 176-189
Postnova S, Finke C, Jin WY, Schneider H, Braun HA
(2010): On the role of subthreshold currents in the Huber-Braun cold receptor model. CHAOS 20, 045107:1-11
Finke C, Freund JA, Rosa jr. E, Braun HA, Feudel U
(2011): Noise-induced precursors of tonic-to-bursting transitions in hypothalamic neurons and in a conductance-based model. CHAOS 21, 047509
Braun HA, Schwabedal J, Dewald M, Finke C, Postnova S, Huber MT, Wollweber B, Schneider H, Hirsch MC, Voigt K, Feudel U, Moss F
(2011): Temperature-dependent stochastic dynamics of the Huber-Braun neuron model. CHAOS 21, 047510
Finke C, Freund JA, Rosa jr. E, Bryant PH, Braun HA, Feudel U
(2013) Generalized synchronizafion in relay systems. Phys. Rev. E 88, 052908
Gutierrez R, Sevilla-Escoboza R, Piedrahita P, Finke C, Feudel U, Buldu JM, Huerta-Cuellar G, Jaimes-Reategui R, Moreno Y, Boccaletti S
(2013): Modeling neuronal activity in relation to experimental voltage-/patchclamp recordings. Brain Research 1536, 159-167
Tchaptchet A, Postnova S, Finke C, Schneider H, Huber MT, Braun HA
(2013): Phase description of the Huber-Braun neuron model for mammalian cold receptors. Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 222, 2677-2686
Freund JA, Finke C, Braun HA, Feudel U