Project Details
FOR 1482: Quantum Computing in Isotopically Engineered Diamond
Subject Area
from 2010 to 2014
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 164540649
It was shown by the members of our Research Unit that diamond is a unique system for solid-state quantum technologies because of its exceptional material properties. In particular, the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centre displays a range of remarkable quantum properties (including remarkably long spin coherence times at room temperature), which are exactly those required to build qubits for quantum computation and memories. Because of the optical handle for spin readout, diamond is extremely attractive for the fabrication of few qubit quantum information processing devices. Although basic quantum operation of quantum hardware was demonstrated by members of the Research Unit on commercially available material, further improvement requires careful control of diamond purity and isotopic composition. At the same time other members of our research team continuously developed technology for fabricating ultrapure diamond (including isotopic enrichment) during the past decades. It is the aim of this Research Unit to combine expertise of quantum physicists and Japanese material science experts and sufficient funding efforts in order to achieve a breakthrough that will allow the realisation of diamond based quantum devices operating at room temperature. Specifically, the project seeks to demonstrate the following elements: (1) a scalable quantum register in diamond allowing for the optical addressing of single qubits; (2) elements of quantum memories allowing for the mapping of state of single photons to single atoms; (3) high fidelity quantum operations (gates) allowing for the manipulation of logical qubits (protected by error correction protocols) and the implementation of simple proof-of-principle quantum algorithms; (4) developing concept of single atom based devices that use spin and photon degrees of freedom for storage and processing of information.
DFG Programme
Research Units
Professor Dr. Fedor Jelezko