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Erzeugung ablauffreier Tragkraftverteilungen beim induktiven Schwebeschmelzen elektrisch leitender Stoffe

Subject Area Metallurgical, Thermal and Thermomechanical Treatment of Materials
Term from 2010 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 167940432
Based on the knowledge and experience achieved by the work done in the frame of the DFG-research project BA 3565/3-1 during the applied one year prolongation of this project the work and investigations as well as targets described as follows are planned to be done.Using a coupled electromagnetic and fluid-dynamic three-dimensional transient numerical simulation model based on commercial codes ANSYS and FLUENT, which has been verified in the frame of pre-investigations, the suitable electrical operation parameter und the constructive design of a enhanced two-frequency-levitation melting experimental set-up with a view on significant increasing of the melt-mass will be investigated and defined. In particular the dynamic behaviour and the process stability of the levitated melt-mass will be investigated. Due to the adaptation of the design of the coil and magnet core construction as well as the electrical parameter a high stability of the melting process should be achieved. The numerical simulation are carried out in the first step without and in the second step with the use of the cold-protection-wall.Based on the results carried out by the numerical simulation the existing two-frequency-levitation melting experimental set-up will be re-constructed and enhanced in this way, that the mass of the metal samples to be melted can be increased. With the experimental investigations to be carried out in the frame of project prolongation in particular practical cognition and know-ledge of the dynamic behaviour and process stability of the levitated and melted aluminium sample with increased mass will be achieved. The experimental investigations are carried out in the first step without and in the second step with the use of the cold-protection-wall. Finally, the realisation of the practical application in industrial scale of the new developed method for the dip- and leakage free levitation melting of bigger mass will be evaluated and described.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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