Project Details
Fokussiertes Ionenstrahl-Mikroskop
Subject Area
Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
Funded in 2010
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 169108241
Final Report Year
No abstract available
Distinguishing between ultrafast optical harmonic generation and multi-photon-induced luminescence from ZnO thin films by frequency-resolved interferometric autocorrelation microscopy. Optics Express 18, 25016-25028 (2010)
S. Schmidt, M. Mascheck, M. Silies, T. Yatsui, K. Kitamura, M. Ohtsu and C. Lienau
Ultrafast Manipulation of Strong Coupling in Metal-Molecular Aggregate Hybrid Nanostructures. ACS Nano 4, 7559-7565 (2010)
P. Vasa, R. Pomraenke, G. Cirmi, E. De Re, W. Wang, S. Schwieger, D. Leipold, E. Runge, G. Cerullo and C. Lienau
Adiabatic Nanofocusing Scattering-Type Optical Nanoscopy of Individual Gold Nanoparticles. Nano Lett. 11, 1609-1613 (2011)
D. Sadiq, J. Shirdel, J. S. Lee, E. Selishcheva, N. Park and C. Lienau
Ultrafast manipulation of the Rabi splitting in metal-molecular aggregate hybrid nanostructures. Physica Status Solidi C 8, 1113-1116 (2011)
P. Vasa, R. Pomraenke, G. Cirmi, E. De Re, W. Wang, S. Schwieger, D. Leipold, E. Runge, G. Cerullo and C. Lienau
Ultrasmall bullets of light-focusing few-cycle light pulses to the diffraction limit. Optics Express 19, 14451-14463 (2011)
B. Piglosiewicz, D. Sadiq, M. Mascheck, S. Schmidt, M. Silies, P. Vasa and C. Lienau
Adiabatic Nanofocusing on Ultrasmooth Single-Crystalline Gold Tapers Creates a 10-nm-Sized Light Source with Few-Cycle Time Resolution. ACS Nano 6, 6040-6048 (2012)
S. Schmidt, B. Piglosiewicz, D. Sadiq, J. Shirdel, J. S. Lee, P. Vasa, N. Park, D.-S. Kim and C. Lienau
Observing the localization of light in space and time by ultrafast second-harmonic microscopy. Nature Photonics 6, 293-298 (2012)
M. Mascheck, S. Schmidt, M. Silies, T. Yatsui, K. Kitamura, M. Ohtsu, D. Leipold, E. Runge and C. Lienau
Strong field acceleration and steering of ultrafast electron pulses from a sharp metallic nanotip. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 244803 (2012)
D. J. Park, B. Piglosiewicz, S. Schmidt, H. Kollmann, M. Mascheck and C. Lienau
Characterizing the optical near-field in the vicinity of a sharp metallic nanoprobe by angle-resolved electron kinetic energy spectroscopy. Annalen der Physik 525, 135-142 (2013)
D. J. Park, B. Piglosiewicz, S. Schmidt, H. Kollmann, M. Mascheck, P. Gross and C. Lienau
Quantum coherence controls the charge separation in a prototypical artificial light-harvesting system. Nature Commun. 4, 1602-1607 (2013)
C. A. Rozzi, S. M. Falke, N. Spallanzani, A. Rubio, E. Molinari, D. Brida, M. Maiuri, G. Cerullo, H. Schramm, J. Christoffers and C. Lienau