Funktionelle Charakterisierung der zytoplasmatischen Poly(A)-Polymerase GLD-2 und Deadenylasen als molekulare Gegenspieler in der mRNA Regulation von C. elegans Keimbahnzellen.
Professor Dr. Christian R. Eckmann
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2010 bis 2021
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 169324141
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Structural basis for the activation of the C. elegans noncanonical cytoplasmic poly(A)-polymerase GLD-2 by GLD-3. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112, 8614–8619 (2015)
Nakel, K., Bonneau, F., Eckmann, C. R. and Conti, E.
Polar Positioning of Phase-Separated Liquid Compartments in Cells Regulated by an mRNA Competition Mechanism. Cell 166, 1572–1584.e16 (2016)
Saha, S., Weber, C.A., Nousch, M., Adame-Arana, O., Hoege, C., Hein, M.Y., Osborne Nishimura, E., Mahamid, J., Jahnel, M., Jawerth, L., Pozniakovski, A., Eckmann, C. R., Jülicher, F. and Hyman, A.A.
Structural basis for the antagonistic roles of RNP-8 and GLD-3 in GLD-2 poly(A)- polymerase activity. RNA 22, 1139–1145 (2016)
Nakel, K. Bonneau, F., Basquin, C., Habermann, B., Eckmann, C. R. and Conti, E.
Polyadenylation is the key aspect of GLD-2 function in C. elegans. RNA 23, 1180–1187 (2017)
Nousch, M., Minasaki, R. and Eckmann, C. R.
Stage-specific combinations of opposing poly(A) modifying enzymes guide gene expression during early oogenesis. Nucleic Acids Res 47, 10881–10893 (2019)
Nousch, M., Yeroslaviz, A. and Eckmann, C. R.
Stage-specific combinations of opposing poly(A) modifying enzymes guide gene expression during early oogenesis. Nucleic Acids Res 47, 10881–10893 (2019)
Nousch, M., Yeroslaviz, A. and Eckmann, C. R.