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GRK 1739:  Molecular Determinants of the Cellular Radiation Response and their Potential for Response Modulation

Subject Area Medicine
Term from 2012 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 182845150
Radiotherapy belongs to the three main therapy options for malignant tumours. To improve therapeutic gain of radiotherapy, researchers aim to develop effective strategies for a biology-based optimisation of treatment protocols combining ionising radiation and targeted drug therapy. Both, the realisation of these efforts and the successful translation of novel basic insights into clinical application require scientists and clinical oncologists with a strong background in radiation sciences. The Research Training Group helps to meet these needs by providing comprehensive multidisciplinary training in basic, translational and clinical research aspects in radiation sciences. The research programme aims to achieve a better mechanistic understanding of key molecules that determine the cellular response to ionising radiation and thus radiation sensitivity with the goal of providing a scientific basis for effective response modulation. The activities of the Research Training Group ensure long-term progress in this important research area that is already particularly strong at the University of Duisburg-Essen and has been further strengthened recently by the participation in the BMBF-funded "German Research Center" and by completion of the West German Proton Therapy Centre Essen. Excellent scientific projects covering cutting-edge topics in radiation biology and experimental radiation oncology form the basis of a multidisciplinary education in the field. Project-oriented laboratory training is complemented with training in general and specific methods of radiation biology and related fields, and with lectures in radiation oncology and radiology, radiation biology, molecular, cellular and tumour biology and cell signalling. An extensive visiting researcher programme, regular seminars and self-organised courses promote in-depth knowledge in key aspects of radiation sciences and in project presentation, project development and scientific discussion skills. Additional courses convey essential information in bio-ethics, good scientific practice, and will enhance other important soft skills for a scientific career. To advance networking and mobility, the students are encouraged to participate in national and international meetings and to arrange internships with other groups of the Research Training Group and prominent laboratories abroad. The central goal of the Research Training Group is to educate the students to independent scientists that are optimally prepared for a scientific career in the areas of radiation biology/oncology and biomedical sciences.
DFG Programme Research Training Groups
Applicant Institution Universität Duisburg-Essen

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