Dynamical effects and non-equilibrium in correlated quantum systems within the framework of matrix product states and renormalization group
Final Report Abstract
The project on Dynamical effects and non-equilibrium in correlated quantum systems within the framework of matrix product states and renormalization group resulted in a range of excellent fruitful collaborations. Most prominently, this includes the collaboration with the quantum optics group of Atac Imamoglu at the ETH in Zurich on strongly correlated effects in quantum dot quenches (absorption and emission spectra) with links to Anderson orthogonality physics. The full density matrix NRG (fdm-NRG;) framework that we introduced in 2007 has attracted significant interest in the community through its elegant and transparent approach to statistical and dynamical quantities within the NRG framework. In particular, this includes the very fruitful and inspiring collaboration with the long-standing NRG expert Theo Costi. As part of my habilitation in 2012 yet also in the spirit of this project, I worked on the fdm-NRG approach to general dynamical quantities. Based on the complete basis sets of NRG in particular, it is explained in the transparent tensor network language how to compute dynamical correlation functions, absorption and emission spectra, as well as quantum quenches. This project also included a strong emphasis on the exploitation of non-abelian symmetries in the numerical simulations. By now, I am proud to be able to present significant advances in the treatment of non-abelian symmetries along the lines proposed in the work schedule to this project and also beyond. In the quest to implement non-abelian symmetries generically, i.e. beyond the simple well-known spin SU(2) symmetry, a transparent framework for general compact non-abelian symmetries has been proposed and successfully implemented through the QSpace4 tensor library. By now, this also led to several strong applications that targeted physical systems which intrinsically possess combinations of multiple SU(N≤3) symmetries together with symplectic symmetries Sp(2n≤6), with current work in progress for SU(N≤6). This is of clear interest in material science where, for example, transition metals with their partially filled d an f shells, quickly lead to SU(N) channel symmetric strongly correlated models in the crystalline three-dimensional setting. Based on the QSpace tensor library, frontier research on symmetric three-channel systems in the condensed matter setting, previously extremely challenging within the NRG context, thus already have become routine calculations. Their importance is underlined by the fact that by now these also have become the very center piece for the applied research projects of three doctoral students in the group that I have been affiliated and thus also collaborating with partly through other DFG grants. Due to lack of manpower as originally applied for, however, unfortunately some of the topics on non-equilibrium physics coult not be pursued. In particular, this concerns the topic periodic driving. Therefore it is my intention to refocus on these topics via additional funds.
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