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Design, preparation and characterization of mixed semiconductor nanocrystal-salt crystals as extremely photostable and highly efficient light emitting materials for optical applications

Subject Area Physical Chemistry of Solids and Surfaces, Material Characterisation
Term from 2010 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 187261748
Final Report Year 2020

Final Report Abstract

In the framework of this project, a variety of colloidal nanocrystals was investigated regarding their compatibility with the salt matrices. The salts were chosen to provide an environmental stability to the nanocrystals, especially if the degradation reactions involving atmospheric oxygen are considered. Moreover, the encapsulated nanocrystals can be further processed by combining them with organic polymers to reach additional protection from the humidity and the processability, which is inherent to many polymers. Among the nanocrystals both “classical” toxic metals containing (CdSe, CdTe, PbSe etc.) and potentially friendlier materials (Ag-In-S, Cu-In-S. etc.) were investigated in depth. Very promising results were achieved with the encapsulation into most abundant salts, such as NaCl and KCl. Moreover, the latter was shown to be compatible with newly developed embedding procedure utilizing a cold flow phenomenon. The salt pellets obtained by the cold flow can embed not only the nanocrystals originally mixable with the saturated salt media, but also those compatible solely with organic solutions (e.g. prepared by the so-named hot-injection synthesis) or extremely unstable materials (e.g. perovskite nanoparticles). The applicability of the nanocrystals embedded to salts as strong and stable emitters, e.g. for LED applications was demonstrated in the variety of device-architectures.



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