Detailing the relation between T2* and tissue pO2 with MR-PHYSIOL to enable unambiguous MR characterization of renal hemodynamics and oxygenation
Final Report Abstract
To be rendered a quantitative physiological approach, parametric MRI was calibrated with established quantitative physiological measurements. These efforts culminated in the proposal of MR oximetry as a multi-faceted MRI protocol to compliment quantitative physiological measurements and NIRS. This hybrid multi-modality approach offers an in vivo tool for better insight into renal perfusion and oxygenation. This novel instrument was put to good use to demonstrate that renal tissue hypoxia has a pivotal role in AKI. Once available to the clinicians, multiparametric renal MR oximetry would represent the first non-invasive method to reliably measure renal blood oxygenation. It could be combined with MR techniques for perfusion and diffusion (to probe tubular volume fraction) en route to a comprehensive characterization of renal haemodynamics and tissue oxygenation, which may be an important biomarker for the early stages of a range of kidney diseases.
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