SPP 1594: Topological Engineering of Ultra-Strong Glasses
Final Report Abstract
The primary target of PP 1594 was the “topological engineering” of glasses with improved mechanical performance. While glasses – in terms of their intrinsic (theoretical) properties – are among the strongest man-made materials which can be produced on large scale, in practical terms, real-world applications do usually not meet up to this promise. It is common knowledge that this is due to stress-amplification at microscopic defects: in the presence of such defects, the mechanical stress acting locally can be orders of magnitude higher than the macroscopic (externally applied) stress. When – such as in brittle glasses – the material cannot respond by local plastic deformation, stresses cannot be dissipated and, thus, fracture occurs already at low external load. Understanding local deformation mechanisms and their tailoring through glass chemical composition holds the key to this problem. The strategic focus of PP 1594, therefore, was on bulk properties which are at the origin of mechanical behaviour, and their dependence on glass structure on intermediate length scale (denoted topology). Identification of fundamental structural constraints and their engineering towards ultrahigh toughness was identified as the primary breakthrough of the field, and therefore became the central theme of PP 1594. It was anticipated that significant synergy can be created through the joint treatment of the two archetype classes of glass, i.e., inorganic oxide glasses which are primarily (structurally) determined by directional bonding, and metallic glasses which are primarily determined by packing. In this regard, reaching a level of consensus and synergistic operation were in the focus of the first funding period, while the second period was intended to focus on specific technical advances. In total, 11 research projects were conducted (7 of which were running over two funding periods), whereby each project typically involved 2-3 principal investigators. At the time this report is written, a diverse group of 21 young researchers from the program were awarded their doctoral degree based on research conducted in PP 1594. Research results have been reported in more than 90 peer-reviewed publications. Two international conferences were organized and conducted as parts of PP 1594, with high-level attendance and a broad range of spin-off and follow-up opportunities for global collaboration.
In Situ Electrochemical Analysis during Deformation of a Zr-Based Bulk Metallic Glass: A Sensitive Tool Revealing Early Shear Banding. Adv. Eng. Mater. 17, 1532-1535 (2015)
Grell, D, Gostin, PF, Eckert, J, Gebert, A, Kerscher, E
Plasticity, crack initiation and defect resistance in alkali-borosilicate glasses: From normal to anomalous behavior. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 417-418, 15–27 (2015)
Limbach, R, Winterstein-Beckmann, A, Dellith, J, Möncke, D, Wondraczek, L
Quantitative Measurement of Density in a Shear Band of Metallic Glass monitored along its Propagation Direction. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 035501 (2015)
Schmidt, V, Rösner, H, Peterlechner, M, Wilde, G, Voyles, PM
A First-Principles Study on the Electronic, Vibrational, and Thermodynamic Properties of Jadeite and its Tentative Low- Density Polymorph. Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 642, 590-596 (2016)
Stoffel, RP, Philipps, K, Conradt, R, Dronskowski, R
Bulk elastic properties, hardness and fatigue of calcium aluminosilicate glasses in the mid/intermediate-silica-range. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 434, 1-12 (2016)
Pönitzsch, A, Nofz, M, Wondraczek, L, Deubener, J
In situ mechanical quenching of nanoscale silica spheres in the transmission electron microscope, Scripta Materialia 121, 70-74 (2016)
Mačković, M, Niekiel, F, Wondraczek, L, Bitzek, E, Spiecker, E
Revealing the relationships between chemistry, topology and stiffness of ultrastrong Co- based metallic glass thin films: A combinatorial approach. Acta Mater. 107, 213-219 (2016)
Schnabel, Köhler, M, Evertz, S, Gamcova, J, Bednarcik, J, Music, D, Raabe, D, Schneider, JM
Shear band relaxation in a deformed bulk metallic glass, Acta Mater. 109, 330 (2016)
Binkowski, I, Shrivastav, GP, Horbach, J, Divinski, SV, Wilde, G
Constitutive modeling of indentation cracking in fused silica. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 100, 1928-1940 (2017)
Bruns, S, Johanns, KE, Rehman, HUR, Pharr, GM, Durst, K
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of the Elastic Moduli of Silicate Glasses and Crystals. Front. Mater. 4, 2 (2017)
Philipps, K, Stoffel, RP, Dronskowski, R, Conradt, R
Ultrastiff metallic glasses through bond energy density design. J. Phys. Cond. Matter 29, 265502 (2017)
Schnabel, V, Köhler, M, Music, D, Bednarcik, J, Clegg, W, Raabe, D, Schneider, JM
Mixed-modifier effect in alkaline earth metaphosphate glasses. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 481, 447-456 (2018)
Griebenow, K, Bragatto, CB, Kamitsos, EI, Wondraczek, L
Structural relaxation mechanisms in hydrous sodium borosilicate glasses. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 497, 30-39 (2018)
Behrens H, Bauer U, Reinsch R, Kiefer P, Müller R, Deubener J
Structure and Properties of Nanoglasses, Adv. Eng. Mater. 20, 1800404 (2018)
Ivanisenko, Y, Kübel, C, Nandam, SH, Wang, C, Mu, X, Adjaoud, O, Albe, K, Hahn, H
Catastrophic stress corrosion failure of Zr-base bulk metallic glass through hydrogen embrittlement. Corrosion Sci. 159, 108057 (2019)
Geißler, D, Uhlemann, M, Gebert, A
The influence of deformation on the medium-range order of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass characterized by variable resolution fluctuation electron microscopy. Acta Mater. 171, 275-281 (2019)
Hilke, S, Rösner, H, Geissler, D, Gebert, A, Peterlechner, M, Wilde, G
Deformation-Induced Chemical Inhomogeneity and Short-Circuit Diffusion in Shear Bands of a Bulk Metallic Glass. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 205501 (2020)
Chellali, MR, Nandam, SH, Hahn, H
Flow heterogeneities in supercooled liquids and glasses under shear, Phys. Rev. E 102, 023002 (2020)
Golkia, M, Shrivastav, GP, Chaudhuri, P, Horbach, J
Indentation Densification of Fused Silica assessed by Raman Spectroscopy and constitutive Finite Element Analysis. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 103, 3076-3088 (2020)
Bruns, S, Uesbeck, T, Fuhrmann, S, Tarragó Aymerich, M, Wondraczek, L, de Ligny, D, Durst, K
Indentation densification of fused silica assessed by Raman spectroscopy and constitutive finite element analysis. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 103, 3076–3088 (2020)
Bruns, S, Uesbeck, T, Fuhrmann, S, Aymerich, MT, Wondraczek, L, de Ligny, D, Durst, K
Influence of Al2O3 addition on structure and mechanical properties of borosilicate glasses. Front. Mater. 7, 189 (2020)
Bruns, S, Uesbeck, T, Weil, D, Möncke, D, van Wüllen, L, Durst, K, De Ligny, D
Statistical analysis of propagation rates of indentation-induced radial cracks in soda-lime-silica glass. J Non-Cryst. Solids 527, 119739 (2020)
Kiefer P, Deubener J, Müller R, Behrens H