GRK 1397: Regulation of Soil Organic Matter and Nutrient Turnover in Organic Agriculture
Final Report Abstract
Die Steuerung des Humus- und Nährstoffhaushalts durch den Menschen ist ein zentrales Anliegen der Ökologischen Landwirtschaft. Humus- und Nährstoffhaushalt sind von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Fruchtbarkeit, d.h. die dauerhafte Produktivität des Bodens. Ziel des Graduiertenkollegs war es, das Prozessverständnis in Hinblick auf die Bodenfruchtbarkeit erheblich zu verbessern. Im Rahmen eines interdisziplinären Forschungsansatzes wurden Versuche unter temperaten und subtropischen Klimabedingungen in einer abgestuften Reihe als klassische Parzellenversuche im Freiland (Lehm: Göttingen; Sand: Kiel, Trenthorst, Sohar (Oman); Ton: Kleve, Reggio Emilia (Italien)), kontrollierte Freilandversuche auf Praxisflächen (Lehm: IFZ-Göttingen, Jabal Akhdar (Oman)), semikontrollierte Freiland- und Labor-Mikrokosmenversuche mit ungestörten oder gepackten Bodensäulen, aber auch als Laborversuche unter vollständig kontrollierten Bedingungen durchgeführt. Die untersuchten Steuerungselemente waren Bodenbearbeitung, Grünlandumbruch, Intensität der Beweidung, Tierfütterung sowie die Beimischung von Biokohle zum Futter oder organischen Düngemitteln. Betrachtet wurde neben den Auswirkungen auf den Oberboden auch die Beteiligung der Unterböden. Im Fokus standen (i) die Qualität der Einträge (Ernterückstände, Stallmist, Biogasgülle, Biokohle), (ii) die Umsätze der organischen Substanz, insbesondere von C, N und weiteren wichtigen Nährstoffen (Ca, K, Mg, P), (iii) Austräge über die Gas- (CO2, CH4, N2O, NH3) und Flüssigphase (NO3, gelöster organischer Kohlenstoff, Kationen) sowie (iv) die Verknüpfung dieser Teilbereiche durch Modellierung. Als weiteres Ziel war neben dem Erlernen und Vertiefen wissenschaftlicher Methoden für die Versuchsplanung sowie dem Ausbau vorhandener Englischkenntnisse der Erwerb von Schlüsselqualifikationen in den Bereichen Kommunikation, strategisches Denken und Selbstmanagement zu sehen, die für die berufliche Laufbahn zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnen. Insgesamt war das Graduiertenkolleg darauf ausgerichtet, international konkurrenzfähige Experten mit umfassenden Kenntnissen und Fähigkeiten in Hinblick auf biologisch-ökologische und agrarwissenschaftliche Zusammenhänge in der ökologischen Landwirtschaft auszubilden, die in Grundlagenforschung und landwirtschaftlicher Anwendung hohe fachliche Qualität und Innovation vereinen.
(2007): Die mikrobielle Biomasse im Darmstadt- Dauer-Düngungsversuch zur ökologischen Landbewirtschaftung. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 110, 309-310
Heinze, S., Raupp, J. & Jörgensen, R.G.
(2007): Einfluss von Bodenbearbeitung auf Aggregatstabilität, sowie C- und N-Speicherung in Ackerböden zweier Langzeitversuche. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 110, 209-210
Jacobs, A., Rauber, R., Michel, K. & Ludwig, B.
(2007): Freisetzung von Nährionen aus Böden unterschiedlicher Klimaregionen. Mitteilung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 110, 185
Ernst, S., Amthauer Gallardo, D., Michel, K. & Ludwig, B.
(2007): Kohlenstoff und Stickstoff-Pools in einem Ackerboden nach 27 Jahren organischer und mineralischer Düngung. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 110, 197-198
Heitkamp, F., Michel, K., Raupp, J. & Ludwig, B.
(2007): Vergleich von Methoden zur CO2 Messung im Säulenversuch. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 110, 325-326
Rottmann, N., Ludwig, B. & Jörgensen, R.G.
(2008). Einfluss mineralischer und organischer Düngeranwendung auf die mikrobielle Biomasse in einem Langzeit-Versuch der ökologischen Landwirtschaft. In: Bodenbiologische Indikatoren für eine nachhaltige Bodennutzung Kommission III; Bodenbiologie und Bodenökologie der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Sitzung 28.-29. Februar 2008 in Osnabrück
Heinze S, Raupp J, Jörgensen RG
(2008). Gaseous carbon and nitrogen emissions in organic agriculture in northern Oman. Tropentag, October 7 - 9, 2008. Hohenheim, Germany
Siegfried K, Dietz H, Schlecht E, Buerkert A
(2008): Decomposition and microbial colonisation of litter affected by the depth of incubation in a column experiment. Eurosoil Abstracts 2008, Wien, 5
Rottmann, N., Raupp, J., Dyckmans, J. & Jörgensen, R.G.
(2008): Fertilizer type and rate: effects on labile carbon and nitrogen pools in a long-term trial on a sandy Cambisol. Eurosoil Abstracts 2008, Wien, 228
Heitkamp, F., Raupp, J., Ludwig, B.
(2008): Impact of tillage on carbon and nitrogen storage of two Haplic Luvisols. Eurosoil Abstracts 2008, Wien, 17
Jacobs, A., Rauber, R. & Ludwig, B.
(2008): Influence of pH-heterogeneity of fertilizer effects on microbial biomass in a long-term field trial of ecological agriculture. Eurosoil Abstracts 2008, Wien, 59
Heinze, S., Raupp, J. & Joergensen, R.G.
(2009). Tillage systems and their impact on soil microbial biomass C, N, P, and S storage in two long-term experiments on loessderived Luvisols. Workshop "Soil Organic Matter and Nutrient Turnover in Agriculture", 12th-13th November 2009, Witzenhausen, Germany
Heinze, S., Rauber, R., Joergensen, R.G.
(2009). Aggregate dynamics and carbon storage in different tillage simulations - a microcosm study. Workshop "Soil Organic Matter and Nutrient Turnover in Agriculture", 12th-13th November 2009, Witzenhausen, Germany
Jacobs, A., Helfrich, M., Dyckmans, J., Rauber, R., Ludwig, B.
(2009). Anwendbarkeit der Nah-Infrarotspektroskopie zur Qualitätsbeurteilung von Komposten. In: Böden - eine endliche Ressource, September 2009, Bonn
Herrmann, S., Mayer, J., Michel, K., Ludwig, B.
(2009). Auswirkung der Bodenbearbeitung auf Mineralisierung und Stabilisierung organischer Substanz – ein Mikrokosmenversuch, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft
Jacobs, A., Helfrich, M., Dyckmans, J., Rauber, R., Ludwig, B.
(2009). Decomposition of different kinds of litter and the effects of fertilizer and crop under subtropical conditions. Workshop "Soil Organic Matter and Nutrient Turnover in Agriculture", 12th-13th November 2009, Witzenhausen, Germany
Rottmann, N., Jörgensen, R.G., Siegfried, K., Bükert, A.
(2009). Effects of conventional and reduced tillage on GHG fluxes. Workshop "Soil Organic Matter and Nutrient Turnover in Agriculture", 12th-13th November 2009, Witzenhausen, Germany
Bergstermann, A. & Flessa, H.
(2009). Establishing methods for determination of microbial biomass in cattle dung. Workshop "Soil Organic Matter and Nutrient Turnover in Agriculture", 12th-13th November 2009, Witzenhausen, Germany
Jost, D., Jörgensen, R.G., Sundrum, A., Schlecht, E.
(2009). Estimating nutrient and carbon losses on an irrigated sandy soil in northern Oman. Presentation Tropentag, October 6 - 8, 2009. Hamburg, Germany. Book of Abstracts, 151
Siegfried K, Amthauer Gallardo D, Dietz H, Buerkert A
(2009). Fertiliser type and rate affect partitioning of soil organic matter into pools of different stability. Workshop "Soil Organic Matter and Nutrient Turnover in Agriculture", 12th-13th November 2009, Witzenhausen, Germany
Heitkamp, F., Raupp, J., Jäger, N., Flessa, H., Ludwig, B.
(2009). Gaseous and leaching losses of carbon and nitrogen in organic agriculture in Oman. Workshop of the DFG - Research Training Group 1397, November 12 – 13, 2009. Witzenhausen, Germany
Siegfried K, Amthauer Gallardo D, Dietz H, Buerkert A
(2009). Impact of reduced tillage on carbon and nitrogen storage of two Haplic Luvisols after 40 years. Soil and Tillage Research 102, 158-164
Jacobs, A., Rauber, R., Ludwig, B.
(2009). Net-exchange rates of N2O and CO2 from three different longterm fertilization experiments - a laboratory study. Workshop "Soil Organic Matter and Nutrient Turnover in Agriculture", 12th-13th November 2009, Witzenhausen, Germany
Jäger, N., Flessa, H.
(2009). Recovery rates of cation-anion exchange resins under laboratory conditions. Workshop of the DFG - Research Training Group 1397 & the China Agricultural University (CAU) in Beijing, May 11 – 17, 2009. Beijing, China
Siegfried K, Buerkert A
(2009). Use of near and mid-infrared spectroscopy for quality parameter assessment of compost. Workshop "Soil Organic Matter and Nutrient Turnover in Agriculture", 12th-13th November 2009, Witzenhausen, Germany
Herrmann, S., Mayer, J., Michel, K., Ludwig, B.
(2009): Der Einfluss von Düngerart und Rate auf unterschiedlich schnell umsetzbare C- und N-Pools. In: Böden - eine endliche Ressource, September 2009, Bonn
Heitkamp, F., Raupp, J., Ludwig, B.
(2009): Effects of rainfall pattern on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in soil amended with biogas slurry and composted cattle manure. Workshop "Soil Organic Matter and Nutrient Turnover in Agriculture", 12th-13th November 2009, Witzenhausen
Sänger, A., Geisseler, D., Ludwig, B.
(2009): Einfluss unterschiedlicher Beregnungsmuster auf die Dynamik von C und N aus Biogasgülle und Rottemist im Boden. In: Böden - eine endliche Ressource, September 2009, Bonn
Sänger, A., Geisseler, D., Ludwig, B.
(2009): Einfluss von Dünger und Feldfrucht auf den Streuabbau im Litterbag unter subtropischen Bedingungen. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Bonn, September 2009
Rottmann, N., Jörgensen, R.G. & Bükert, A
(2009): Impact of fertilizer type and rate on carbon and nitrogen pools in a sandy Cambisol. Plant and Soil 319, 259-275
Heitkamp, F., Raupp, J., Ludwig, B.
(2009): Predictive capacity of visible-near infrared spectroscopy for quality parameter assessment of compost. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 17, 289-301
Herrmann, S., Mayer, J., Michel, K., Ludwig, B.
(2009): Simultaneous measurement of S, macronutrients, and heavy metals in the soil microbial biomass with CHCl3 fumigation and NH4NO3 extraction. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41, 309-314
Khan, K. S., Heinze, S., Joergensen, R.G.
(2010). Effect of diet C/N and NDF/soluble carbohaydrates ratio on dung composition in Bubalus bubalis (Der Einfluß des C/N und NDF/lösliche Kohlenhydrate Verhältnisses im Futter auf die Qualität von Büffeldung). 64th Conference of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, 9th-11th March 2010, Göttingen
Al Asfoor, H., Schiborra, A., Sundrum, A., Schlecht, E.
(2010): Carbon and nitrogen emissions from stored manure and cropped fields in irrigated mountain oases of Oman. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics 111, 65-73
Buerkert, A., Jahn, H., Golombek, S.D., Al-Rawahi, M. N., Gebauer, J.
(2010): Decomposition of 15N-labelled maize leaves in soil affected by endogeneic geophagous Aporrectodea caliginosa. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42, 276-282
Zareitalabad, P., Heinze, S., Rottmann, N., Potthoff, M., Dyckmans, J., Joergensen, R.G.
(2010): Effect of antecedent soil moisture conditions on emissions and isotopologue distribution of N2O during denitrification. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43, 240-250
Bergstermann A., Cardenas, L. M., Bol, R., Gilliam, L., Goulding, K., Meijide, A., Scholefield, D., Vallejo, A., Well, R. (
(2010): Effect of conventional and minimum tillage on physical and biochemical stabilization of organic matter. Biology and Fertility of Soils 46, 671-680
Jacobs, A., Helfrich, M., Hanisch, S., Quendt, U., Rauber, R., Ludwig, B.
(2010): Effects of fertilizer and spatial heterogeneity in soil pH on microbial biomass indices in a long-term field trial of organic agriculture. Plant and Soil 328, 203-215
Heinze, S., Raupp, J., Joergensen, R.G.
(2010): Effects of rainfall pattern on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in soil amended with biogas slurry and composted cattle manure. Journal of Plant Nutrition of Soil Science 173, 692-698
Sänger, A., Geisseler, D., Ludwig, B.
(2010): Influence of mouldboard plough and rotary harrow tillage on micobial biomass and nutrient stocks in two long-term experiments on loess derived Luvisols. Applied Soil Ecology 46, 405-412
Heinze, S., Rauber, R., Joergensen, R.G.
(2010): Measuring the CO2 production from maize-straw amended soil colums - a comparison of four methods. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 174, 373-380
Rottmann, N., Joergensen, R.G.
(2010): Microbial use and decomposition of maize leaf straw incubated in packed soil columns at different depths. European Journal of Soil Biology 46, 27-33
Rottmann, N., Dyckmans, J., Joergensen, R.G.
(2010): Modelling chemical and biological reactions during unsaturated flow in silty arable soils. Geoderma 156, 293-301
Michel, K., Herrmann, S., Ludwig, B.
(2010): Modelling chemical and biological reactions during unsaturated flow through sandy soils. Australian Journal of Soil Research 48, 221- 230
Ludwig, B., Herrmann, S., Michel, K.
(2010): Treibhausgas- und Ammoniakemissionen nach Ausbringung verschiedener Gärrückstände und tierischer Gülle in Emilia-Romagna, Italien. KTBL-Tagung, Kloster Banz, Deutschland
Wolf, U., Freibauer, A., Flessa, H.
Effects of different feeding regimes on the digestibility and faecal excretion of nitrogen, soluble carbohydrates and fibre fractions in water buffaloes kept under subtropical conditions. Oktober 2010, Universität Kassel
Al Asfoor, H.
Effects of different long-term fertilization strategies on soil organic matter stocks and N2O emissions from arable soils. Oktober 2010, Universität Göttingen
Jäger, N.
Effects of fertilizer type and rate on partitioning of soil organic matter into pools of different stability. Mai 2010, Universität Kassel
Heitkamp, F.
Effects of tillage on process of organic matter sequestration. April 2010, Universität Kassel
Jacobs, A.
Mikrobielle Nutzung von Ernteresten in Bodensäulen und Litterbags. April 2010, Universität Kassel
Rottmann, N.
Nutrients in compost and soils: spectroscopic quality assessments and modelling. September 2010, Universität Kassel
Herrmann, S.
Organische Düngung und reduzierte Bodenbearbeitung als Steuerungsfaktoren für die C-, N-, P- und S-Speicherung von Mikroorganismen. April 2010, Universität Kassel
Heinze, S.
(2011) Einfluss von Grünlandumbruchsverfahren auf die Emissionen von N2O und CO2. DGB-Tagung 2011, Berlin, Deutschland
Roth, G., Helfrich, M., Well, R., Gensior, A., Flessa, H.
(2011): Ammoniakemissionen nach Ausbringung verschiedener Gärreste und Güllen in Emilia-Romagna, Italien. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Berlin, Deutschland
Wolf, U., Freibauer, A., Flessa, H.
(2011): Application of biochemical degradation indices to the microbial decomposition of maize leaves and wheat straw in soils under different tillage systems. Geoderma 162, 207-214
Jacobs, A., Kaiser, K., Ludwig, B., Rauber, R., Joergensen, R.G.
(2011): Application of the DNDC model to predict N2O emissions from sandy arable soils with differing fertilization in a long-term experiment. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 174, 350-358
Ludwig, B., Jäger, N., Priesack, E., Flessa, H.
(2011): Auswirkungen eines Pflugereignisses auf die Verteilung von Aggregaten und organischem Material in Grünlandbösen. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany
Linsler, D., Geisseler, D., Taube, F., Ludwig, B.
(2011): Changes in microbial biomass indices after 10 years of farmyard manure and vegetal fertilizer application to a sandy soil under organic management. Plant and Soil 343, 221-234
Heinze, S., Oltmanns, M., Joergensen, R.G., Raupp, J.
(2011): Distribution of phosphorus in size fractions of sandy soils with different fertilization histories. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 174, 891-898
Geisseler, D., Linsler, D., Piegholdt, C., Andruschkewitsch, R., Raupp, J., Ludwig, B.
(2011): Effect of fertilization on respiration from different sources in a sandy soil of an agricultural longterm experiment. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 58, 933-944
Heitkamp, F., Jäger, N., Flessa, H., Raupp, J., Ludwig, B.
(2011): Effects of biochar application to goat manure on irrigated radish in Northern Oman. UK Biochar Conference 2011, Edinburgh, UK
Ingold, M., Jordan, G., Dietz, H., Schlecht, E. and Buerkert, A.
(2011): Effects of fertilization and soil management on crop yields and carbon stabilization in soils. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 31, 361-372
Ludwig, B., Geisseler, D., Michel, K., Joergensen, R.G., Schulz, E., Merbach, I., Raupp, J., Rauber, R., Hu, K., Niu, L. and Liu, X.
(2011): Effects of fertilizer type and rate on labile soil fractions of a sandy Cambisol - long-term and short-term dynamics. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 174, 121-127
Heitkamp, F., Raupp, J., Ludwig, B.
(2011): Effects of moisture and temperature on greenhouse gas emissions and C and N leaching losses in soil treated with biogas slurry. Biology and Fertility of Soils 47, 249-259
Sänger, A., Geisseler, D., Ludwig, B.
(2011): Effects of residue location on soil organic matter turnover: results from an incubation experiment with 15N- maize. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 174, 634-643
Jacobs, A., Helfrich, M., Dyckmans, J., Rauber, R., Ludwig, B.
(2011): Effekt unterschiedlicher Bodenbearbeitungsintensität auf Makroaggregat-Gehalte und die leichte organische Fraktion. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany
Andruschkewitsch, R., Geisseler, D., Koch, H.-J. and Ludwig, B.
(2011): Einfluss von Bodenbearbeitung auf Phosphorfraktionen in Lössböden in einem Langzeitexperiment. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany
Piegholdt, C., Geisseler, D., Koch, H.-J., Ludwig, B.
(2011): Emission rates of N2O and CO2 from soils with different organic matter content from three long-term fertilization experiments - a laboratory study. Biology and Fertility of Soils 47, 483-494
Jäger, N., Stange, C.F., Ludwig, B., Flessa, H.
(2011): Influence of biochar and tannin amendments to goat manure on gaseous C and N emissions. Tropentag, Bonn, Deutschland
Ingold, M., Schiborra, A., Schlecht, E. and Buerkert, A.
(2011): Influence of different long-term tillage intensities on soil C sequestration. Jahrestagung der European Geosciences Union, Wien, Österreich
Murugan, R., Koch, H-J., Joergensen, R.G.
(2011): Influence of tillage on degradation kinetics using the litterbag method. European Journal of Soil Biology 47, 198-204
Jacobs, A., Ludwig, B., Schmidt, J.H., Bergstermann, A., Rauber, R., Joergensen, R.G.
(2011): Litter decomposition in fertilizer treatments of vegetable crops under irrigated subtropical conditions. Biology and Fertility of Soils 47, 71-80
Rottmann, N., Siegfried, K., Buerkert, A., Joergensen, R.G.
(2011): Modelling of crop yields and N2O emissions from silty arable soils with differing tillage in two long-term experiments. Soil and Tillage Research 112, 114-121
Ludwig, B., Bergstermann, A., Priesack, E., Flessa, H.
(2011): Nutrient and carbon balances in organic vegetable production on an irrigated, sandy soil in northern Oman. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 174, 678-689
Siegfried, K., Dietz, H., Schlecht, E., Buerkert, A.
(2011): Soil CO2-C evolution rates in the field - a comparison of three methods. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 57, 597-608
Müller, E., Rottmann, N., Bergstermann, A., Wildhagen, H., Joergensen, R.G.
(2011): Soil organic matter pools and crop yields as affected by the rate of farmyard manure and use of biodynamic preparations in a sandy soil. Organic Agriculture 1, 111-124
Heitkamp, F., Raupp, J., Ludwig, B.
(2011): The determination of microbial biomass in cattle faeces using soil microbiological methods. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43, 1237-1244
Jost, D. I., Indorf, C. Joergensen, R.G., Sundrum, A.
Fütterungsbedingte mikrobielle Zusammensetzung von Rinderkot und deren Einfluss auf Gasemissionen und N-Mineralisierung im Boden. Dezember 2011, Universität Kassel
Jost, D.
Gaseous and leaching losses of carbon and nitrogen in irrigated organic farming of a coastal oasis in Oman. Februar 2011, Universität Kassel
Siegfried, K.
(2012) Elucidating source processes of N2O fluxes following grassland-to-field-conversion using isotopologue signatures of soil-emitted N2O. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Wien, Österreich
Roth, G., Giesemann, A., Well R., Flessa, H.,
(2012) Impact of grassland-to-fieldconversion on N2O emissions, mineral N dynamics and mineralization of grassland-derived soil organic matter. EUROSOIL, Bari, Italien
Roth, G., Helfrich, M., Well, R., Gensior, A., Flessa, H.
(2012) Impact of two different types of grassland-to-arable-conversion on nitrous oxide emission and nitrate leaching. New Horizon, Wexford, UK
Roth, G., Helfrich, M., Well, R., Berendonk, C., Flessa, H.
(2012): Addition of quebracho tannin to goats' diets affects the partitioning of nitrogen between urine and faeces. Abschlusstagung Grako, Witzenhausen, Deutschland
Al-Kindi, A; Schiborra, A; Schlecht, E
(2012): Ammonia and nitous oxide emission after fertilization with biogas slurry from digested maize. Eurosoil, Bari, Italy
Wolf, U., Flessa, H.
(2012): Changes in soil microbial processes and community structure by different long-term tillage systems. Eurosoil 2012, Bari, Italy
Murugan, R., Koch, H-J., Joergensen, R.G.
(2012): Decomposition of Manure and Leaching of Dissolved Organic and Inorganic Nutrients in Soil Microcosms. Organic Matter Conference, Cranfield, England
Willich, M., Buerkert, A.
(2012): Effect of different goat manure qualities on microbial properties in a subtropical soil. Abschluss-Workshop des Graduiertenkollegs, Witzenhausen, Deutschland
Sradnick, A; Ingold, M; Bürkert, A; Jörgensen, R G
(2012): Effect of one-season cultivation on fungal community structure and N dynamics of a permanent grassland soil. Abschluss-Workshop des Graduiertenkollegs, Witzenhausen, Deutschland
Murugan, R., Loges, R., Taube, F., Joergensen, R.G.
(2012): Effect of slurry application and one season of cropping on aggregates and carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus pools in grassland soils. Jahrestagung der European Geosciences Union, Wien, Österreich
Linsler, D., Geisseler, D., Loges, R., Taube, F., Ludwig, B.
(2012): Effects of activated charcoal and tannin amendments on yields of sweet corn and radish on an irrigated sandy soil in Northern Oman. Tropentag, Göttingen, Deutschland
Ingold, M., Dietz, H., Schlecht, E. and Buerkert, A.
(2012): Effects of activated charcoal and tannin amendments to goat manure on soil properties and soil microbial biomass in the Subtropics. Workshop “Regulation of soil organic matter and nutrient turnover in agriculture”, Witzenhausen, Deutschland
Ingold, M., Sradnick, A., Dietz, H., Joergensen, R. G. and Buerkert, A.
(2012): Effects of different catch crops, tillage treatments and freeze-thaw cycles on C and N pools in an incubation experiment. Abschluss-Workshop des Graduiertenkollegs, Witzenhausen, Deutschland
Piegholdt, C; Andruschkewitsch, R; Linsler, D; Ludwig, B
(2012): Effects of long-term organic and mineral fertilization on microbial properties in a sandy subsoil. Eurosoil, Bari, Italy
Sradnick, A., Raupp, J., Joergensen, R.G.
(2012): Effects of quebracho tannin and activated charcoal on the digestibility and nutrient excretion of goats under subtropical conditions (Oman). 11th International Conference on Goats, Gran Canaria, Spain
Al-Kindi, A., Schlecht, E., Schiborra, A.
(2012): Effects of temporal conversion grassland to arable land and grassland tillage on soil organic matter composition and aggregate distribution. Abschluss-Workshop des Graduiertenkollegs, Witzenhausen, Deutschland
Linsler, D., Geisseler, D., Loges, R., Taube, F., Ludwig, B.
(2012): Effects of tillage on contents of organic carbon, nitrogen, water-stable aggregates and light fraction for different long-term trials. Jahrestagung der European Geosciences Union, Wien, Österreich
Andruschkewitsch, R., Geisseler, D., Koch, H.-J. and Ludwig, B.
(2012): Einfluss langjähriger Dünung auf die Substratnutzung von Mikroorganismen eines heterogen Standorts. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany
Sradnick, A., Murugan, R., Oltmanns, M., Raupp, J., Joergensen, R.G.
(2012): Impact of grassland-to-field-conversion on source processes of N2O fluxes – an isotopologue approach. Abschlusstagung Grako, Witzenhausen, Deutschland
Roth, G.; Giesemann, A.; Well, R.; Flessa, H.
(2012): Impact of grassland-to-fieldconversion on source processes of N2O fluxes – an isotopologue approach. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stabile Isotope, Leipzig, Deutschland
Roth, G., Giesemann, A., Well, R., Flessa, H.,
(2012): Impact of two different types of grasslandto-cropland-conversion on dynamics of soil organic matter mineralization and N2O emission. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Wien, Österreich
Roth, G., Helfrich, M., Well, R., Flessa, H.
(2012): Influence of the addition of polyphenols and activated charcoal on the digestibility of ration and manure quality of goats under subtropical conditions (Oman). Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie, Göttingen, Deutschland
Al-Kindi, A., Schiborra, A., Schlecht, E.
(2012): Leaching of Carbon and Nitrogen from Soil Microcosms - comparing suction plates with exchange resin cartriges under different soil amendments. Abschlusstagung Graduiertenkolleg, Witzenhausen, Germany
Willich, M., Buerkert, A.
(2012): Long-term tillage effects on the distribution of P fractions of German loess soils. Jahrestagung der European Geosciences Union, Wien, Österreich
Piegholdt, C., Geisseler, D., Koch, H.-J., Ludwig, B.
(2012): Nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions after fertilization with biogas residues of digested maize. Abschluss-Workshop des Graduiertenkollegs, Witzenhausen, Deutschland
Wolf, U., Fuß, R., Flessa, H.
(2012): Sorption and Desorption Characteristics of Ion Exchange Resins to Estimate Leaching Losses in the Field. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 43, 1065-1072
Siegfried, K., Vazhacharickal, P.J., Predotova, M., Buerkert, A.
(2012): Varying the dietary supply of C and N to manipulate the manure composition of water buffalo heifers in Oman. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics 113, 125-136
Al-Asfoor, H., Schlecht, E., Sundrum, A., Schiborra, A.Bergstermann A., Cardenas, L. M., Bol, R., Gilliam, L., Goulding, K., Meijide, A., Scholefield, D., Vallejo, A., Well, R.
(2012): Water stable aggregate formation under different clay and organic matter amendments in soils with different carbon contents – A short term incubation experiment. Abschluss-Workshop des Graduiertenkollegs, Witzenhausen, Deutschland
Andruschkewitsch, R., Geisseler, D., Dultz, S., Joergensen, R.-G. and Ludwig, B.
Application of biogas slurries from energy crops to arable soils and their impact on carbon and nitrogen dynamics. Mai 2012, Universität Kassel
Sänger, A.
Matter fluxes in mountain oases of Al Jabal Al Akhdar, Oman. März 2012, Universität Kassel
Al-Rawahi, M.
(2013) Nitrogen losses during grassland renovation and conversion to arable land– A review for temperate soils. GHG-Europe Tagung, Antwerpen, Belgien
Buchen, C., Flessa, H., Helfrich, M., Poeplau, C., Well, R.
(2013) Particulate rate of passage and faeces quality of water buffalo fed diets varying in concentrations of nitrogen and structural and non-structural carbohydrates. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology 13, 165-180
Al-Asfoor, H., Schiborra, A., Sundrum, A., Schlecht, E.
(2013). Usefulness of near-infrared spectroscopy for the prediction of chemical and biological soil properties in different longterm experiments. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 176, 520-528
Heinze, S., Vohland, M., Joergensen, R.G., Ludwig, B.
(2013): An enhanced technique for automated determination of 15N signatures of N2, (N2+N2O) and N2O in gas samples. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 27, 1548-1558
Lewicka-Szczebak, D., Well, R., Giesemann, A., Rohe, L., Wolf, U.
(2013): Biochar application to sandy soils: nutrient retention or leaching? DBG Jahrestagung, Rostock, Deutschland
Gronwald, M., Don, A., Tiemeyer, B., Helfrich, M.
(2013): Changes in functional diversity of the soil microbial community in a heterogeneous sandy soil after longterm fertilization with cattle manure and mineral fertilizer. Applied Soil Ecology 63, 23-28
Sradnick, A., Murugan, R., Oltmanns, M., Raupp, J., Joergensen, R.G.
(2013): Development of aggregates after application of maize residues in the presence of mycorrhizal an non-mycorrhizal pea plants. Geoderma 202-203, 38-44
Pokharel, A.K., Jannoura, R., Heitkamp, F., Kleikamp, B.,Wachendorf, C., Dyckmans, J., Ludwig, B., Joergensen, R.G.
(2013): Effect of cattle faeces with different microbial biomass content on soil properties, gaseous emissions and plant growth. Biology and Fertility of Soils 49, 61–70
Jost, D. I., Joergensen, R.G., Sundrum A.
(2013): Effect of fertilization history on short-term emission of CO2 and N2O after the application of different N fertilizers - a laboratory study. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 59, 161-171
Jäger, N., Duffner, A., Ludwig, B.
(2013): Effects of Goat Manure Enriched with Activated Charcoal on Leaching of Carbon and Nitrogen from a Subtropical Sandy Soil - A Comparison between Suction Plates and Ion Exchange Resins. Tropentag, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany
Willich, M., Buerkert, A.
(2013): Effects of manure with different C/N ratios on yields, yield components and matter balances of organically grown vegetables on a sandy soil in northern Oman. Organic Agriculture 3, 9-22
Siegfried, K., Dietz, H., Amthauer Gallardo, D., Schlecht, E., Buerkert, A.
(2013): Effects of tillage on contents of organic carbon, nitrogen, water-stable aggregates and light fraction for four different long-term trials. Geoderma 192, 368-377
Andruschkewitsch, R., Geisseler, D., Koch, H.-J., Ludwig, B.
(2013): Herbage from extensively managed grasslands for biogas production: methane yield of stands and individual species. Grassland Science in Europe, Akureyri, Island
Ebeling D., Breitsameter L., Bugdahl B., Janssen E., Isselstein J.
(2013): Long-term tillage effects on the distribution of phosphorus fractions of loess soils in Germany. Journal of Plant Nutrition of Soil Science 176, 217-226
Piegholdt, C., Geisseler, D., Koch, H.-J., Ludwig, B.
(2013): Microbial biomass in faeces of dairy cows affected by a nitrogen deficient diet. Archives of Animal Nutrition 67, 104-118
Jost, D. I., Aschemann, M., Lebzien, P., Joergensen, R.G., Sundrum A.
(2013): Morphological responses of different temperate turf grass species to drought stress. Tagung der Klimafolgenforschung in Niedersachsen (KLIFF), Göttingen, Deutschland
Ebeling D., Köhler J., Breitsameter L., Isselstein, J.
(2013): Regenerationsfähigkeit verschiedener Rasengräser nach Trockenstresseinwirkung. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Grünland und Futterbau der Gesellschaft Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, Triesdorf, Deutschland
Ebeling D., Köhler J., Breitsameter L., Isselstein J.
(2013): Specific response of fungal and bacterial residues to one-season tillage and repeated slurry application in a permanent grassland soil. Applied Soil Ecology 72, 31-40
Murugan, R., Loges, R., Taube, F., Joergensen, R.G.
(2013): Temporal dynamics of soil organic matter composition and aggregate distribution in permanent grassland after a single tillage event in a temperate climate. Soil and Tillage Research 126, 90-99
Linsler, D., Geisseler, D., Loges, R., Taube, F., Ludwig, B.
2013): Long-term influence of different tillage intensities on soil microbial biomass, residues and community structure at different depths. Biology and Fertility of Soils 50, 487-498
Murugan, R., Koch, H-J. Joergensen, R.G
Der Einfluss organischer Düngung auf die mikrobielle Biomasse und deren Residuen in unterschiedlichen Nutzungssystemen. September 2013, Universität Kassel
Sradnick, A.
Effects of different tillage treatments on labile soil organic matter pools and stabilization processes. Mai 2013, Universität Kassel
Andruschkewitsch, R.
Effects of grassland conversion and tillage intensities on soil microbial biomass, residues and community structure. April 2013, Universität Kassel
Murugan, R.
Effects of grassland renovation on carbon concentrations and aggregate distribution in temperate grassland soils. Oktober 2013, Universität Kassel
Linsler, D.
(2014) Impact of grassland renovation practices on N2O emissions and nitrate dynamics. Non CO2 Greenhouse Gas Symposium, Amsterdam, Niederlande
Buchen, C., Benke, M., Helfrich, M., Flessa, H., Kayser, M., Well, R.
(2014) Methodenvergleich zur Bestimmung der Denitrifikation im Freiland - 15N Tracertechnik vs. Isotopomere. ASI-Jahrestagung, München, Deutschland
Buchen, C., Flessa, H., Giesemann, A., Lewicka-Szczebak, D., Well, R.
(2014) Shifts in the microbial community after long-term application of organic fertilizers indicated by fungal and bacterial residues. First Global Soil Biodiversity Conference, Dijon, Frankreich
Faust S, Heinze S, Ngosong C, Sradnick A, Oltmanns M, Raupp J, Geisseler D, Joergensen RG
(2014): Biochar application to sandy and loamy soils for agricultural nutrient management. EGU-Tagung, Wien, Österreich
Gronwald, M., Don, A., Tiemeyer, B., Helfrich, M.
(2014): C and N dynamics of a range of biogas slurries as a function of application rate and soil texture: a laboratory experiment. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 60, 1779-1794
Sänger, A., Geisseler, D., Ludwig, B.
(2014): Changes in soil microbial biomass and residual indices as ecological indicators of land use change in temperate permanent grassland. Microbial Ecology 67, 907-918
Murugan, R., Loges, R., Taube, F., Sradnick, A., Joergensen, R.G.
(2014): Contribution of N2O and NH3 to total greenhouse gas emission from fertilization – results from a sandy soil fertilized with nitrate and biogas digestate with and without nitrification inhibitor. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecoystems 100, 121–134
Wolf, U., Fuß, R., Höppner, F., Flessa, H.
(2014): Effect of long-term tillage treatments on the temporal dynamics of water-stable aggregates and on macro-aggregate turnover at three German sites. Geoderma 217-218: 57-64
Andruschkewitsch, R., Koch, H.J., Ludwig, B.
(2014): Effects of changing water availability on land-use in irrigated mountain oases of Al Jabal Al Akhdar, northern Oman. Die Erde 145, 162-174
Al-Rawahi, M. N., Brinkmann, K., Schlecht, E., Buerkert, A.
(2014): Effects of tillage and application of cattle slurry on carbon pools and aggregate distribution in temperate grassland soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 177, 388-394
Linsler, D., Geisseler, D., Loges, R., Taube, F., Ludwig, B.
(2014): Impact of activated charcoal and tannin amendments on microbial biomass and residues in an irrigated sandy soil under arid subtropical conditions. Biology and Fertility of Soils 50, 95- 103
Sradnick, A., Ingold, M., Marold, J., Murugan, R., Buerkert, A., Joergensen, R.G.
(2014): Impact of tillage intensity on carbon and nitrogen pools in surface and sub-surface soils of three long-term field experiments. European Journal of Soil Science 65, 499-509
Kaiser, M., Piegholdt, C., Andruschkewitsch, R., Linsler, D., Koch, H.-J., Ludwig, B.
(2014): Microbial residue indices down the soil profile after long-term addition of farmyard manure and mineral fertilizer to a sandy soil. Geoderma 226, 79-84
Sradnick, A., Oltmanns, M., Raupp, J., Joergensen, R.G.
(2014): Nitrogen and carbon emissions from Al Jabal Al Akhdar oasis systems in northern Oman. Journal of Oman Studies 18, 13-23
Al-Rawahi, M. N., Predotova, M., Buerkert, A.
(2014): Polyphenols alter decomposition and nutrient release of goat manure and affect crop yields on irrigated sandy soils in the subtropics. International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition 2014, Halle, Deutschland
Ingold, M., Al-Kindi, A., Schmitt, S., Sradnick, A., Dietz, H., Schlecht, E. and Buerkert, A.
(2014): Prediction of aboveground biomass in heterogeneous pastures using ultrasonic sward height and spectral vegetation indices Tagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, Wien, Österreich
Safari H., Fricke T., Wachendorf M.
(2014): Productivity in patches of heterogeneous swards of continuous cattle pastures. Book of abstracts. 25th General Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, Aberystwyth, Great Britain
Ebeling D., Tonn B., Isselstein J.
(2014): Produktivität verschiedener Grasnarbenhöhenbereiche (Patches) auf extensiven Rinderstandweiden unter dem Einfluss von unterschiedlichen Beweidungsintensitäten. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Grünland und Futterbau der Gesellschaft Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, Arnstadt, Deutschland
Ebeling D., Tonn B., Isselstein J.
(2014): Rate of soil-aggregate formation under different organic matter amendments—a short-term incubation experiment. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 177, 297–306
Andruschkewitsch, R., Geisseler, D., Dultz, S., Joergensen, R.G., Ludwig, B.
(2014): Soil organic carbon and nitrogen stocks affected by grazing intensity in temperate permanent grassland. 25th General Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, Aberystwyth, Great Britain
Nüsse A.M., Linsler D., Kaiser M., Isselstein J. and Ludwig B.
2014. Microbial community changes as a possible factor control-ling carbon sequestration in subsoil. First Global Soil Biodiversity Conference, Dijon, Frankreich
Struecker, J., Joergensen R.G.
Effects of activated charcoal and quebracho tannins on the turnover of goat manure in irrigated organic agriculture of the subtropics. November 2014, Universität Kassel
Ingold, M.
Effects of tillage intensity on soil C, N, and P pools with different stability. August 2013, Universität Kassel
Piegholdt, C.
Emission of NH3, N2O and CO2 following the application of differently treated digestates from biogas production. Juli 2014, TU Braunschweig
Wolf, U.
Leaching of carbon and nutrients on a subtropical sandy soil from Northern Oman - A comparison of methods and amendments. September 2014, Universität Kassel
Willich, M.
Nitrous oxide emissions from arable soils -Effect of long-term tillage and identification of production and consumption processes using stable isotope approaches. Juni 2014, Universität Göttingen
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(2009). Decomposition of different kinds of litter and the effects of fertilizer and crop under subtropical conditions. Workshop "Soil Organic Matter and Nutrient Turnover in Agriculture", 12th-13th November 2009, Witzenhausen
Rottmann, N., Jörgensen, R.G., Siegfried, K., Bükert, A.
(2015) Effects of tillage intensity on the interaction of soil moisture, temperature and microbial turnover. Abschluss-Workshop des Graduiertenkollegs, Witzenhausen, Deutschland
Faust S, Koch H-J, Joergensen RG
(2015) Einfluss der Bodenbearbeitungsintensität auf dieInteraktion von Bodenfeuchte, Temperatur und mikrobiellen Umsatz. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, München, Deutschland
Faust S, Koch H-J, Jörgensen RG
(2015) Soil properties under manured Tamarindus indica in the Littoral Plain of South-Western Madagascar. Tropentag-Konferenz, Berlin, Deutschland
Faust S, Hanisch S, Bürkert A, Joergensen, RG
(2015). Einfluss verschiedener Grünlanderneuerungstechniken auf N2O Emissionen und NO3- Dynamik. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, München, Deutschland
Buchen, C., Benke, M., Flessa, H., Gensior, A., Helfrich, M., Kayser, M., Lewicka-Szczebak, D., Well, R.
(2015). Greenhouse gas fluxes and mineral N dynamics following grassland renewal or conversion to arable land. Abschluss-Workshop des Graduiertenkollegs, Witzenhausen, Deutschland
Buchen, C., Benke, M., Flessa, H., Gensior, A., Helfrich, M., Kayser, M., Well, R.
(2015). Measuring denitrification after grassland renewal and grassland conversion to cropland by using the 15N gas-flux method. Jahrestagung der European Geosciences Union, Wien, Österreich
Buchen, C., Eschenbach, W., Flessa, H., Giesemann, A., Lewicka-Szczebak, D., & Well, R.
(2015): Die Emission von Lachgas aus mit Rinderkot unterschiedlicher Fütterungsgruppen versetztem Boden. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, München, Deutschland
Meyer, S., Joergensen R.G., Karlovsky P., Sundrum A.
(2015): Effect of organic fertilizer and biochar application on soil macro-aggregate formation and organic carbon turnover at different temperatures. Jahrestagung der European Geosciences Union, Wien, Österreich
Grunwald, D.; Kaiser, M.; Ludwig, B.
(2015): Effects of activated charcoal and quebracho tannin amendments on soil properties in irrigated organic vegetable production under arid subtropical conditions. Biology and Fertility of Soils 51, 367-377
Ingold, M., Dietz, H., Sradnick, A., Joergensen, R. G., Schlecht, E., Buerkert, A.
(2015): Effects of activated charcoal and quebracho tannins added to feed or as soil conditioner on manure quality in organic agriculture. Organic Agriculture 5, 245-261
Ingold, M., Al-Kindi, A., Jordan, G., Dietz, H., Schlecht, E., Buerkert, A.
(2015): Effects of biochar application and soil temperature on aggregate dynamics, C fractions and basal respiration of a loess soil. International Biochar Symposium, Potsdam, Deutschland
Grunwald, D.; Kaiser, M.; Bamminger, C.; Poll, C.; Marhan, S.; Ludwig, B.
(2015): Effects of biochar application and soil temperature on aggregate-associated carbon and microbial parameters of a loess soil. 5th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter, Göttingen, Deutschland
Grunwald, D.; Kaiser, M.; Bamminger, C.; Poll, C.; Marhan, S.; Ludwig, B.
(2015): Effects of fresh and aged chars from pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonization on nutrient sorption in agricultural soils, SOIL 1, 475-489
Gronwald, M., Don, A., Tiemeyer, B., Helfrich, M.
(2015): Effects of water restriction on microbial biomass in goat faeces. Abschluss-Workshop des Graduiertenkollegs, Witzenhausen, Deutschland
Ramadhan, M. R., Joergensen, R.G and Schlecht, E.
(2015): Einfluss von Pflanzenkohle und Bodentemperatur auf die organische Substanz sowie die physikalischen Eigenschaften eines Lössbodens unter Raps. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, München, Deutschland
Grunwald, D.; Kaiser, M.; Bamminger, C.; Poll, C.; Marhan, S.; Ludwig, B.
(2015): Einfluss zweier unterschiedlicher Schnitt- und Düngevarianten auf organische Bodenkohlenstoff- und Stickstoffspeicherung auf schnittgenutztem Grünland. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, München, Deutschland
Nüsse, A.M., Linsler, D., Loges, R., Taube, F. und Ludwig, B.
(2015): Impact of cutting and fertilization regimes on soil organic C stocks, aggregate distribution and microbial biomass C in mowed grassland. Abschluss-Workshop des Graduiertenkollegs, Witzenhausen, Deutschland
Nüsse, A.M., Linsler, D., Reinsch, T., Loges, R., Taube, F. and Ludwig, B. Ludwig
(2015): Impact of different cutting and fertilization regimes on soil organic C and N sequestration in a mowed grassland. In: SOM as key factor of soil and ecosystem productivity. 5th international Symposium of Soil Organic Matter, Göttingen, Germany
Nüsse, A.M., Linsler, D., Reinsch, T., Loges, R., Taube, F. and Ludwig, B.
(2015): Influences of elevated soil temperature and biochar application on different carbon pools of a loess soil. Abschluss-Workshop des Graduiertenkollegs, Witzenhausen, Deutschland
Grunwald, D.; Kaiser, M.; Bamminger, C.; Poll, C.; Marhan, S.; Ludwig, B.
(2015): Loss of nutrient retention capacity of biochars after seven month in-situ field incubation. International Biochar Symposium: Potsdam, Deutschland
Gronwald, M., Don, A., Tiemeyer, B., Helfrich, M.
(2015): Microorganisms and their substrate utilization patterns in topsoil and subsoil layers of two silt loams, differing in soil organic C accumulation due to colluvial processes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 91, 310-317
Struecker, J., Joergensen, R.G.
(2015): Nutzung der natürlichen 13C-Abundanz zur Untersuchung der Stabilität von Pflanzenkohlen aus Miscanthus in landwirtschaftlich genutzten Böden. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, München, Deutschland
Gronwald, M., Vos, C., Don, A., Helfrich, M.
(2015): Sensor data fusion to predict biomass of heterogeneous pastures. Abschluss-Workshop des Graduiertenkollegs, Witzenhausen, Deutschland
Safari H., Fricke T., Wachendorf M.
(2015): Temporal variations of the distribution of water-stable aggregates, microbial biomass and ergosterol in temperate grassland soils with different cultivation histories. Geoderma 241-242, 221-229
Linsler, D., Taube, F., Geisseler, D., Joergensen, R.G., Ludwig, B.
(2015): The emission of nitrous oxide from soil mixed with cow feces of different feeding groups. Abschluss-Workshop des Graduiertenkollegs, Witzenhausen, Deutschland
Meyer, S., Joergensen R.G., Karlovsky P., Sundrum A.
(2015): The potential of ultrasonic and hyperspectralsensor combination for the estimation and mapping of pasture biomass. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, Braunschweig, Deutschland
Safari H., Fricke T., Wachendorf M.
(2015): Wieviel Futteraufwuchs „geht am Rindermaul vorbei“? Brutto- und Nettoweideleistung einer extensiven Rinderstandweide unter verschiedenen Beweidungsintensitäten. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, Aulendorf, Deutschland
Ebeling D., Tonn B., Isselstein J.
2015. Biotic and abiotic factors controlling carbon dynamics in subsoil. Abschluss-Workshop des Graduiertenkollegs, Witzenhausen, Deutschland
Struecker, J., Joergensen R.G.
2015. Effects of activated charcoal and tannin added to compost and to soil on carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and ammonia volatilization. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 178, 218-228
Jordan, G., Predotova, M., Ingold, M., Goenster, S., Dietz, H., Joergensen, R.G. and Buerkert, A.
2015. Einfluss der veränderten Gaskonzentrationen auf die C-Dynamik im Unterboden. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, München, Deutschland
Struecker, J., Joergensen R.G.
2015. Factors controlling carbon mineralisation in subsoils of arable land. A long term incubation experiment. SUBSOM Symposium, Raesfeld, Deutschland
Struecker, J., Joergensen R.G.
2015. Factors controlling carbon mineralization in subsoils of arable land – A long term incubation experiment. 5th international Symposium of Soil Organic Matter, Göttingen, Germany
Struecker, J., Joergensen R.G.
2015. Microbial community changes as a possible factor controlling carbon sequestration in subsoil. Jahrestagung der European Geosciences Union, Wien, Österreich
Struecker, J., Joergensen R.G.
Influence of quebracho tannin extract and activated charcoal on nutrient intake and digestibility, digesta passage, nitrogen balance, and quality of faecal excreta in goats. Februar 2015, Universität Kassel
Al-Kindi, A.
(2016): Comparing mobile and static assessment of biomass in heterogeneous grassland with a multi-sensor system. Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems 5, 1-13
Safari, H., Fricke, T., Reddersen, B., Wachendorf, M.
(2016): Determination of fibre and protein content in heterogeneous pastures using field spectroscopy and ultrasonic sward height measurements. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 123, 256-263
Safari H., Fricke, T., Wachendorf, M.
(2016): Effect of biochar and organic fertilizers on C mineralization and macro-aggregate dynamics under different incubation temperatures. Soil & Tillage Research 164, 11-17
Grunwald, D., Kaiser, M., Ludwig, B.
(2016): Effect of cover crop growth and decomposition on the distribution of aggregate size-fractions and soil carbon dynamics. Land Use & Management 32, 192-199
Linsler, D., Kaiser, M., Andruschkewitsch, A., Piegholdt, C., Ludwig, B.
(2016): Effects of quebracho tannin extract (Schinopsis balansae) and activated charcoal on feed intake and digestibility by goats and their faecal microbial biomass. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture 32, 159-169
Al-Kindi, A., Schlecht, E., Schiborra, A., Joergensen, R.G.
(2016): Effects of quebracho tannin extract (Schinopsis balansae) and activated charcoal on nitrogen balance and microbial protein synthesis in the rumen of growing Boer goats. Archives of Animal Nutrition 70, 307-321
Al-Kindi, A., Dickhoefer, U., Schlecht, E., Sundrum A., Schiborra, A.
(2016): Effects of quebracho tannin extract and activated charcoal on nutrient digestibility, digesta passage and faeces composition in goats. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition
Al-Kindi, A., Schiborra, A., Buerkert, A., Schlecht, E.
(2016): Fluxes of N2 and N2O and contributing processes in summer after grassland renewal and grassland conversion to maize cropping on a Plaggic Anthrosol and a Histic Gleysol. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 101, 6-19
Buchen, C., Lewicka-Szczebak, D., Fuß, R., Helfrich, M., Flessa, H., Well, R.
(2016): Leaching of carbon and nitrogen from a sandy soil substrate: A comparison between suction plates and ion exchange resins. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 179, 609-614
Willich, M., Buerkert, A.
(2016): Maize root decomposition in subsoil horizons oft wo silt loams differing in soil organic Caccumulation due to colluvial processes. Geoderma 283, 101-109
Struecker, J., Kaiser, M., Dyckmans, J., Joergensen, R.G.
(2016): Stability of pyrochar and hydrochar in different agricultural soils - a new field incubation method. Geoderma 284, 85-92
Gronwald, M., Vos, C., Helfrich, M. and Don, A.
Factors and mechanisms controlling soil organic carbon turnover in subsoils of agricultural sites. Universität Kassel, Juni 2016
Struecker, J.
Influence of chars from hydrothermal carbonization and pyrolysis on carbon and nitrogen-dynamics in agricultural soils. Juni 2016, Universität Hannover
Gronwald, M.
(2017): Effect of biodynamic soil amendments on microbial communities in comparison with inorganic fertilization. Applied Soil Ecology
Faust, S., Heinze, S., Ngosong, C., Sradnick, A., Oltmanns, M., Raupp, J., Geisseler, D., Joergensen R.-G.
(2017): Effect of grazing intensity and soil characteristics on soil organic carbon and nitrogen stocks in a temperate long term grassland. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science
Nüsse, A., Linsler, D., Kaiser, M., Ebeling, D., Tonn, B., Isselstein, J., Ludwig, B.
(2017): Fusion of ultrasonic and spectral sensor data for improving the estimation of biomass in grassland with diverse sward structure. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 98
Möckel, T., Safari, H., Reddersen, B., Fricke, T., Wachendorf, M.
(2017): Impact of subsoil specific gas conditions on SOC and plant residue decomposition - comparing topsoils with C-poor and C- rich subsoils. Geoderma 292, 1-8
Struecker, J., Dyckmans, J., Joergensen, R.G.
(2017): Influence of elevated soil temperature and biochar application on organic matter associated with aggregate-size and density fractions in an arable soil. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 241, 79–87
Grunwald, D., Kaiser, M., Junker, S., Marhan, S., Piepho, H.-P., Poll, C., Bamminger, C., Ludwig, B.
Effects of the application of biochar and organic fertilizers as well as temperature on soil carbon and aggregation dynamics. Februar 2017, Universität Kassel
Grunwald, D.
The fate of nitrogen after grassland renewal and grassland conversion to maize cropping - An investigation of N2O processes and mineral N dynamics at the field scale. Januar 2017, Technische Universität Braunschweig
Buchen, C.
Variation of N excretion in faeces and urine as modulated by water uptake of goats in subtropical Oman. Verteidigung im Juli 2017, Universität Kassel
Ramadh, M.