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Central Coordination and Administration of the INUIT research unit

Subject Area Atmospheric Science
Term from 2011 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 170852269
Funds for the central coordination of the research unit “INUIT” (Ice Nucleation research UnIT) are requested within this proposal. The project serves the coordination and administration of the research unit as well as the promotion of cooperation and communication among the individual scientific projects of the unit. An annual status seminar is organized and conducted within this project. The funds for measures to promote gender equality are managed and measures for training of young researchers are coordinated. Within the project special sessions at international conferences or publication of special issues are initiated. A central data base to store and provide the data from all the various field and laboratory activities to all members of the research unit is maintained within the project. A comprehensive inter-comparison of the results of the ice nucleating properties of the common set of test aerosols studied by the various methods is conducted. An INUIT web page is set up and maintained. To support the INUIT spokesperson in conducting these tasks, staffing for a halftime position of a scientific administrator is applied for.
DFG Programme Research Units

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