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Cytokinin as a regulator of chloroplast development and function

Subject Area Plant Cell and Developmental Biology
Term from 2011 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 202988077
Final Report Year 2018

Final Report Abstract

We have described in detail the role of cytokinin in regulating the etioplast-to-chloroplast transition. This work in the context of the de-etiolation (skotomorphogenesis) has led to a study, in collaboration with Dr. Henrik Johansson, on the role of cytokinin in regulating hypocotyl elongation. In a major invited review we have summarized current knowledge of the role of role of cytokinin in chloroplast development. In a second project part we have described a novel protective function of cytokinin in the light stress response. From the analysis of the light stress response has emerged a new project describing a novel type of abiotic stress reducing the photosynthetic capacity of Arabidopsis leaves and eventually causing cell deatch. Dr. Anne Cortleven, who had been the postdoctoral fellow of this project, has contributed with her expertise on plastid development and photosynthesis also to work about an F-box protein of Arabidopsis which has an impact on plastid development. The parts of the project, which were not prioritized or not successful are the study of the plastids' own cytokinin metabolism and the establishment of a genetic screen in order to identify genes relevant for cytokinin action on plastid development.



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