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Design enhancement and analysis of a 20,000 lbf class annular aerospike engine utilizing LOX/propylene as propellants

Subject Area Fluid Mechanics
Term from 2011 to 2013
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 213994845
For commercial launch vehicles, the bell-shaped nozzle is the most common used nozzle shape today. It possesses a simple assembly and a well predictable flow behavior. However, it faces the disadvantages of operating optimally only at one point of the ascent trajectory and its limited capability of being integrated into the spacecrafts structure. The latter especially is one major reason, why bell-shaped nozzles are not considered for future reusable space systems. The disadvantages do not apply for aerospike or plug nozzles. Unlike bell-shaped nozzles they allow the exhaust flow to self-adjust to the ambient pressure at any height, leading to an optimal operation along the whole trajectory. In addition, their overall shape allows for an optimal integration into the vehicle reducing base drag. Further advantages include a reduced mass and volume and an easy thrust vector control.However the aerospike as a promising and advanced propulsion system for future space vehicles introduces flow field complexities that include three-dimensional multiple thruster effects, slipstream interactions and separated base flows, the prediction of which is essential for an evaluation, further enhancement and finally safe operation of such an engine.The task of the suggested project is to enhance the design of and analyze a 20,000 lbf class multi-thruster annular aerospike engine utilizing LOX/propylene as propellants. Besides basic design work, the core of the suggested project are numerical flow analyses of single thrusters and of the whole engine at operations in the transonic flight regime, in which slipstream effects and altitude compensation quantification is critical to advancing the technology readiness level of aerospike engines.
DFG Programme Research Fellowships
International Connection USA

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