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Identification and characterization of L. major T cell epitopes based on quantitative proteomics

Subject Area Immunology
Term from 2012 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 214563342
Final Report Year 2019

Final Report Abstract

Leishmaniasis is a protozoan infectious disease transmitted by the bite of a sand fly. It is endemic in 88 countries, and 12 million people are currently affected worldwide. 350 Mio. people live at daily risk of infection. Infections with Leishmania spp. represent a serious health problem. Overall, despite of a strong need for a suitable vaccination against leishmaniasis, the optimal antigens for vaccine development have not yet been identified. The project initially aimed to identify and characterize of stage-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell epitopes from L. major, based on the hypothesis that L. major-specific T cells are primed by antigens derived from amastigote-specific proteins or proteins expressed in both life forms as DC preferentially internalize amastigotes. The project was planned to address the following specific aims: a) Identification of stage-specific Leishmania CD8+ T cell epitopes by a combination of quantitative proteome analysis and in silico epitope prediction b) Identification of CD4+ T cell epitopes from soluble Leishmania lysate (SLA) by proteome subfractionation and peptide library screening c) Verification of natural processing of identified epitopes my mass spectrometric analysis of MHC ligands from L. major-infected DC by nanoUPLC-ESI-TOF mass spectrometry d) Validation and characterization of identified epitopes: analysis of relevant mechanisms for immunodominance, antigen processing and presentation of Leishmania antigens. In Aim a) we successfully established a high-coverage proteomic workflow and successfully applied the methodology towards the characterization of the L. major promastigote and amastigote life stages. The Top300 most abundant proteins were selected for epitope predictions and 300 H2-Db and H2-Kb peptides derived from both Leishmania life-forms were selected for further analysis. In cooperation with Soren Buus (Kopenhagen, Denmark) all selected peptides were analysed for their binding stability towards MHC class I molecules. Surprisingly, the correlation between binding affinity, SYFPEITHI predictions, ex vivo screening and vaccination results were not as strong as expected. Nevertheless, we successfully identified a MHC class I restricted epitope, peptide p54, in the framework of this proposal. p54 protected mice against challenge compared to control mice, as shown by decreased lesion volumes, reduced numbers of local and systemic parasites as well as reduced levels of secreted Th2-related cytokines, whereas all other tested peptides failed to do so. In Aim b), we developed and applied proteomic subfractionation strategies for soluble Leishmania lysate (SLA). Based on quantitative proteomic analyses of biologically active subfractions, we successfully identified several novel CD4 antigens, which provided protective immunity in a prime-boost-boost setting. In line, we have shown that these do not only hold potential as vaccination tools in C57BL/6 mice, but also in BALB/c. Finally, human reactivity as observed in patients with prior L. major, but also with L. infantum infection suggested a strong cross-reactivity among species highlighting the potential of the identified proteins as future vaccine targets. The identity and potential application as immunoprotective vaccines has been filed as an international patent. In addition, the application of the proteins in the context of therapeutic vaccines (starting at a time when lesion development has occurred mimicking the clinical situation with patients) have been set up and will be followed upon in the context of a follow-up proposal. Other adjuvants may also need to be tested. Finally, using overlapping peptide libraries, relevant protein-specific epitopes are currently screened. Further characterization and commercial exploitation of theses vaccine candidates will be addressed in follow-up projects. Most likely, using a similar approach, more antigens can be identified, also those that are preferentially recognized by other Th subsets, such as Th2, Th17, or Treg cells. Within Aim c) we successfully established a mass spectrometric workflow for the characterization of MHC presented ligandomes. However, despite successful identification of >3000 epitopes from human cancer cell lines, we were not successful in identifying L. major derived MHC presented epitopes from infected dendritic cells, likely due to insufficient sensitivity of the mass spectrometric instrumentation using currently available protocols for ex vivo DC isolation and/or generation from bone marrow. To address this problem, we have approached cooperation partners and have recently obtained SP37A3 cells (among others) that represent a DC cell line derived from spleens of C57BL/6 mice. Similar cell lines derived from BALB/c and one additional from C57BL/6 bone marrow were also obtained and are available for experiments aiming towards the validation and characterization of identified epitopes as well as for the analysis of relevant mechanisms for immunodominance, antigen processing and presentation of Leishmania antigens in the framework of a follow-up proposal.


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