Projekt Druckansicht


Fachliche Zuordnung Paläontologie
Förderung Förderung von 2013 bis 2022
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 189839832
The two main goals of the proposed research are: (1) to provide an improved knowledge of geochemical, physical and micro-biological parameters for Phanerozoic marine environments that control inorganic and microbially-induced carbonate (calcite, magnesian calcite, aragonite and manganoan calcite archives) precipitation. (ii) To provide a more detailed and quantitative understanding of post-depositional/post-mortem diagenetic processes and pathways that affect the mineralogical and geochemical properties (proxies) of marine carbonate archives in general. The Forschergruppe (FG) CHARON intends to reach these goals through a series of multidisciplinary and innovative approaches, involving field, empirical, experimental, statistical, mathematical and computational analyses. Our focus is on a combined archive and proxy research. A previously untested holistic geochemical approach includes the isotopes of all main and many trace elements (δ44/40Ca, δ13C, δ18O, δ26Mg, δ88/86Sr, δ87/86Sr; δ137/134Ba; δ97/95Mo; 234U/238U) in carbonates. CHARON involves experts from a broad range of significant disciplines including skills of (carbonate) sedimentologists, palaeontologists, microbiologists, geochemists, material scientists and crystallographers from universities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The central project (ZP0) will coordinate the work of CHARON by providing core analytical facilities, sample material and field data, organize and coordinate meetings and workshops, organize and coordinate the central digital data archive, install and maintain the webpage including pass-word-protected and open access areas, provide secretarial support to TP’s.
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