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Visual Analysis of Language Change and Use Patterns

Subject Area Applied Linguistics, Computational Linguistics
Term from 2013 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 218458885
Final Report Year 2020

Final Report Abstract

In this project we were able to lay the groundwork for several more collaborations between Computer Science and Linguistics in order to invent and establish new methodologies for linguistic analysis. Daniel Keim and Miriam Butt are currently collaborating in three further DFG-funded projects as part of an SPP (RATIO), a research unit (FOR 2111) and an SFB (SFB-TRR 161). Our joint work has served to significantly bring forward the state-of-the-art in linguistic data analysis combined with visualization with respect to comparisons of patterns of language use and language change. Our work has already reached foundational character and was fundamental for helping to establish a new direction of research within Digital Humanities, namely, LingVis (Visual Analytics for Linguistics). We have studied several use cases in greater detail. For example, one area concerned new coinages and the establishment of new derivational morphology (e.g., -gate) with respect to a large newspaper corpus. Another area investigated structural changes in the history of Icelandic, yet another on being able to conduct large-scale cross-language comparison. Our methodologies allow for the quick detection of previously only suspected or even unanticipated patterns in large swaths of data, as well as an exploration of complex interdependencies of within the structure of a language. In short, the project has delivered proof of concept work to show that Visual Analytics indeed delivers new and promising avenues for research and data exploration in various linguistic areas. We also demonstrate that challenges with regard to huge data sets or complex interdependent interactions between data properties can be overcome via the introduction of methods and insights from Visual Analytics.


  • The World’s Languages Explorer: Visual Analysis of Language Features in Genealogical and Areal Contexts. In: Computer Graphics Forum ; 31 (2012), pp. 935-944. - ISSN 0167-7055
    Rohrdantz, Christian; Hund, Michael; Mayer, Thomas; Keim, Daniel A.; Wälchli, Bernhard
  • (2013) - Contribution to a conference. 51th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2013): Sofia, Bulgaria, 4 - 9 August 2013; proceedings/ Association for Computational Linguistics (ed.). - Red Hook, NY: Curran, 2013. - pp. 109-114
    Rohrdantz, Christian; Bögel, Tina
  • Diachronic Visualization of Oblique Subjects in Icelandic. (2014) - Proceedings of the Workshop Big Data Visual Computing – Quantitative Perspectives for Visual Computing (2014), 22 September 2014, Stuttgart
    Schätzle, Christin; Sacha, Dominik; Butt, Miriam
  • From the extraction of continuous features in parallel texts to visual analytics of heterogeneous areal-typological datasets. (2014) - Language Processing and Grammars: The role of functionally oriented computational models / Brian Nolan and Carlos Periñán-Pascual (eds.). - Amsterdam [u.a.]: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2014. - (Studies in Language Companion Series ; 150). - pp. 13-38. - ISBN 978-90-272-5915-8
    Mayer, Thomas; Wälchi, Bernhard; Rohrdantz, Christian; Hund, Michael
  • Towards Identifying Hindi/Urdu Noun Templates in Support of a Large-Scale LFG Grammar. (2014) Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on South and Southeast Asian NLP, 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, August 23-29 - Dublin, Ireland - pp. 1–10
    Sulger, Sebastian and Ashwini Vaidya
  • V1 in Icelandic: A Multifactorical Visualization of Historical Data. (2014) - Proceedings of VisLR: Visualization as Added Value in the Development, Use and Evaluation of Language Resources; (Workshop at LREC 2014, Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evalution, May 26 - 31, 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland)/ Hautli-Janisz, Annette et al. (ed.). - pp. 33-40. - ISBN 978-2-9517408-8-4
    Butt, Miriam; Bögel, Tina; Kotcheva, Kristina; Schätzle, Christin; Rohrdantz, Christian; Sacha, Dominik; Dehé, Nicole; Keim, Daniel A.
  • Visual Analytics of Change in Natural Language. (2014) - Dissertation
    Rohrdantz, Christian
  • The Diachrony of Dative Subjects and the Middle in Icelandic: A Corpus Study. (2015) Proceedings of LFG15 Conference/ Butt, Miriam and Tracy Holloway King (eds.). - Stanford: CSLI Publications - pp. 357-3777-377
    Schätzle, Christin; Butt, Miriam; Kotcheva, Kristina
  • Analytic Behavior and Trust Building in Visual Analytics. (2016) - Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis) - Short Papers, The Eurographics Association
    D. Sacha, I. Boesecke, J. Fuchs and D. A. Keim
  • Tools and Methods for Processing and Visualizing Large Corpora. (2016) - Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English, VARIENG Helsinki, 2016
    G. Schneider, M. El-Assady and H. M. Lehmann
  • Visualizing Language Change: Dative Subjects in Icelandic. (2016) - Proceedings of the LREC 2016 Workshop “VisLR II: Visualization as Added Value in the Development, Use and Evaluation of Language Resource”, 23 May 2016 – Portorož, Slovenia/ Hautli-Janisz, Annette and Verena Lyding (eds.). - pp. 8-15. - ISBN 978-2-9517408-9-1
    Schätzle, Christin; Sacha, Dominik
  • Genitiv als Stilmittel in der Novelle. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, 47(1) 2017. - pp. 125–140
    Schätzle, Christin

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