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Kinesthetic and auditory feedback during phonation and articulation

Subject Area Otolaryngology, Phoniatrics and Audiology
Term from 2012 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 230251342
Final Report Year 2016

Final Report Abstract

We suggested a multi-modal based setup (HSI – high speed imaging, EEG - electroencephalography, EGG - electroglottoprapy, acoustic signal) and could show that the setup is feasible and that all signals are sensitive to detect and analyse the kinesthetic and auditory processes during the pitch-shift-reflex (PSR). In the project, kinesthetic and auditory processes within phonation and speech were analyzed and quantified. The results help to improve the understanding of the functionality of mechanisms as basis of speech motor and phonatory control. One innovation of the project was that we implemented HSI recordings via a flexible endoscope in a setup to analyze the PSR. We applied multi-modal analysis methods (EEG, HSI, EGG, acoustic signal) and could therefore directly correlate auditory processes (EEG) with physiologic laryngeal processes (vocal fold vibrations). Further, we compared the PSR between one healthy and one patient group (muscle tension dysphonia - MTD) Differences between normal and perturbed feedback within both groups were found in all four recorded signals and for both paradigms; i.e., phonation and speech. The timing and development for the auditory and kinesthetic control were analyzed and described based on the phonation paradigm. Based on the voice onset process, a method was investigated to solely analyze the kinesthetic control for the speech paradigm in future. Moreover, differences between feedback processes of the phonation and speech paradigms were found for both the healthy (magnitude of voice pitch response - VPM) and the MTD (latency of voice pitch response) group. Both groups showed different results for each paradigm regarding the VPM (MTD > healthy) and the leftright symmetry of the vocal folds during the opening phase of the glottal cycle. The two subject groups could be differentiated via linear discriminant analysis with high rates of accuracy (88.9% for the phonation paradigm and 93.3 % for the speech paradigm). Interesting to note is, that 71% from the LDA chosen parameters came from high-speed imaging (HSI), enabling a direct evaluation of the vocal fold dynamics. This demonstrates, as shown in other studies, the high potential and diagnostic power of endoscopic high-speed imaging. However, the recruitment of the AOS group (apraxia of speech) could not be performed and hence neither the analysis. The direct measurement of the kinesthetic process (e.g., by EMG) was not feasible in the setup. Although we met our goal of recording more than 60 subjects, future studies will have to in-cooperate more subjects. Hence, to substantiate the here suggested findings more subjects will have to be recruited and analyzed. We will continue our work with in house resources.



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